Calling all Scottish musicians!


May 23, 2006
Arbroath, east Scotland!
I'm trying to find a dedicated, tight line-up for a very ambitious project. Specifically, lead vocals, lead guitar, keys, bass and drums. We're Dundee based, but I'm looking for pretty much anywhere, as this project is not a huge rush. We can build it up.

The title? Saviour.

The ambition? To move straight onto writing a huge, sprawling concept album, spanning 17 tracks and an open ended storyline.

So far, I have completed (or nearing that) four tracks, and started work and am building up ideas on five more. The guitars are downtuned to standard C, and stand-out influences are Iced Earth, Devin Townsend, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian and Megadeth. The general sound should eventually sound like dark power metal with folk/ambient ideas scattered about the place. Gigging experience/own musical input would be awesome but certainly not essential.

Well, if interested at all, chuck me a reply/PM or whatever if you wanna know more! I'm extremely excited about this project and hopefully can start to build up my band from here onward. :p I can provide a couple of the tracks in MIDI, storylines etc.

Burnett :)
speaking of not enjoying the regions weather... i live in fl and its pretty hard to lay pipe for a living when its always raining... or really humid.. I myself would want to visit Ireland or Scotland... but on a pipe layers budget i can hardly afford my musical crap rent and food...
Im thinking (Just a stupid ass opinion lol) That you should find a bag pipe player and let him join your band. And make.......A new genre ment to shake the earths crust. SCOTTISH METAL!! Metal with bagpipes!! But besides that, good luck on your quest to the top brother:kickass: