OK, guitar recording Question #666

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Still trying to get my 5150 to sound right!!!

Anyway, I got 2 Mesa boogie rectofier cabs (1 extended cab + 1 reg cab). Novice that I am, it didn't occur to me until yesterday to stack both of them when recording...I've been using only one...douchebag!! This should produce a better sound right, even with just one mic? How many cabs are ideal for trying to get the Sneap-sound?

Also, when recording with more cabs, do you generally want less room noise or more?
take the straight cab and tilt it on a side to get it off the casters. you will be suprised @ how much bigger and tighter the low end gets. a floor can act as a passive transducer for low end. by the way, switch to marshall cabs. (in my opionon). d. braxton henry
even though i despise the dallas cowboys and wish the university of texas to go bankrupt, and might as well add george W here as he is not to high up on my list, i will go with your texas advice and try putting the cab on its side.

i saw something for sale in a magazine that you can put your cab on to eliminate that floor problem--have you tried it? anyway, yeah, i would rather be running through a marshall, but we can't have everything we want these days...still, i should have a better signal than i'm getting. i used 2 curved soundwalls to get rid of the room noise, and that helped a lot. thanks
I personally think Marshalls are inferior to Boogie cab wise, just take one apart and have a look....theyre still ok though. I tried a new Randall warhead cab the other week, which was deeper and had celestion v30's, and that sounded killer
sports and GEE WUUB. i dont care for either. 5150 amps & a goood ole' straight marshall jcm 800 or 900. put it this way, if the 5150 was the "ring" in the LORD OF THE RINGS. then, middle earth would grant you the yellow brick road from the wiz of oz to make them merge mo fukka. d. braxton henry
to be honest, i posted something else entirely about your interigrity to do solid metal records, but it did not post. bottom line, i love your work and i have fasend my idea of good records to your idea of production. keep it up man, you do inspire people whether you know it or not. d. braxton henry