Ok, I need your help...BIG TIME.

Jun 27, 2003
So in the past 2 years my band has gone through about 6 names, and we still can't find one we're happy with. Since you guys are fuckin great at making band logos, I thought I might try and see if u know any cool names for a band. Our style is kinda like Slayer meets Lamb of God, with more death metal vocals, if that helps at all. Thanks!
so kinda metalcore?

first things in a metalcore style in my head


Avidya (a hindi word meaning freedom from illusion---I was gonna use this for a prog project, but now its fair game)
the favorite name I've ever come up with is still Avidya...I was sitting in world religion class sophomore year in college, and POW...I heard that word and its meaning....
Sadistik said:
the favorite name I've ever come up with is still Avidya...I was sitting in world religion class sophomore year in college, and POW...I heard that word and its meaning....
I came across a similar name reading James Clavell that I find equally beautiful too. Azadeh. I can't remember the exact meaning but it's something to do with divine beauty I think.