Ok, Im stupid, but dumb questions need to be answered

WD: (Laughs) That song is something that is probably going to remain a mystery for a long time because I won’t say what it’s about—I want to see if anyone can figure it out. It’s about something very specific. If you know the topic when you read the lyrics, you may be able to figure it out, I think. I’m just kind of waiting to see what happens. The first person that figures it out—we’re going to sit down and have a long talk about it!

What does CBF stand for?
Chrome Black Future
Is 42147 a date?
Yes it is
its probably about l ron hubbard,....Operation Artichoke

wd, oneof my jewish friends worked on scopolamine with rats in the plus maze arena..
CBF- "Cold Black Future" About former friends falling to drug addiction. Crack, perhaps? "Swallow the fire, breathe in the black / Just one more hit could kill"

"42147" I thought it was their Zip code, & they wanted you to send money! :) But, the most popular theory I've seen is that it has something to do w/ Timothy Leary's experiments w/ LSD. But the drug was created in 1938, & it's hallucinogenic properties weren't discovered until 1943 when one of the Swiss chemists who created it "accidentally" swallowed a small amount. That's 4 years before 1947, if you take it to mean April 21, 1947. But it could be a different date format as in, 1942, the 14th of July. Which would put it approximately one year before it's effects were "discovered" At least that's closer.
