OK, late to the party, I know, but Cynic is INCREDIBLE!


The Central Scrutinizer
Mar 28, 2008
OK, I finally succumbed to the peer pressure and picked up Cynic - Traced In Air... HOLY FUCK, what have I been missing?!!

I've been listening to it constantly since I got it 3 days ago, easily one of the very best records I've heard in a long time. Strong contender for Best of '08 already for me!

Better late than never, I guess... :loco:
I very much like the album too. One of the best of 08 for me too. Gotta say that the growls are a bit off the place at times, but otherwise great.
I very much like the album too. One of the best of 08 for me too. Gotta say that the growls are a bit off the place at times, but otherwise great.

Yeah, that might be the one small criticism I'd have for it, but it's a minor nitpick.
The robot vocals never bothered me at all for some reason. In fact, I never even fathomed being annoyed by them until I read craploads of posts on the internet saying that people didn't like them.
yeah, no way in hell cynic is close to the best of 08

And phil's in with his first negative, hyper-opinionated comment. Everyone raise your hand who saw that one coming. :rolleyes:

The vocal effects don't really bother me, but it might be a refreshing change for them in the future to try a song or two without them.
While Focus is still my favourite, Traced... also kicks ass. Great album! I actually like the new vocals better than the ones on Focus, IMHO they sound a bit less goofy now.
And phil's in with his first negative, hyper-opinionated comment. Everyone raise your hand who saw that one coming. :rolleyes:

The vocal effects don't really bother me, but it might be a refreshing change for them in the future to try a song or two without them.

i wouldn't have to be so negative if their weren't total idiots suggesting mediocre material to be the best of 08. it's hard to find something worth reacting positively to on these forums, and especially now that you're posting more.
I think they may use the robot voice to tune better the vocal melodies. I dont like it, but in some songs it sounds ok.
I still have to listen more to them.
i wouldn't have to be so negative if their weren't total idiots suggesting mediocre material to be the best of 08. it's hard to find something worth reacting positively to on these forums, and especially now that you're posting more.

By "total idiots" I'm assuming you mean people who know the difference between the words "their" and "there"? And my suggestion even stated it was one of the best of '08 FOR ME, unlike your pretentious douchebag ranting where you state your every OPINION as an iron-clad fact.

Illiterate elitist narcissist hypocrite much, phildo?
I don't like King of those who know and Adam's Murmur (unfortunately, they played both in Cologne this week), the rest is pretty amazing I have to say.
Yeah, you will have to get over those vocals and right now I'm discovering the full greatness of the Focus album, which is definately a lot heavier!
"Celestial Voyage" and "I'm but a wave to..." has amazing riffage.