OK, seriously, out of all the things I've EVER seen on the internet...


Feb 20, 2005
This is still the funniest, bar none. It's old as hell, so I'm sure tons of you guys have seen it, but I was just recently reminded of it and revisited it for some food-choking laughs, and thought I would share the love. I give you...

The Saga of Bloodninja
Damn, I was just thinking about bloodninja the other day and was thinking of posting it. I still ROFL when I read it! "I can no longer resist the pizza...." LOL
Hahahahahahahahahaha, yeah, that and the nerd one are my two favorites ("I tear off your wooden pegleg" "I ram it up your ass" :lol: :lol: :lol: )
"you again?"
"oh shit, i really should write down your names"

Still fucking funny.
This isn't safe for work either

I'm completely unable to keep a straight face and people keep walking past my office looking at me funny :D

"I pry apart that battleship you call your ass."
sweet17: Har
Bloodninja: You gotta do better than that!
Bloodninja: Your picture was really bad.

Hahahaha Thanks Metaltastic
Hahahahaha, much as I do love that one, I think the nerd one deserves just as much love for how brilliant he is in putting himself in character:

Wellhung: I'm dropping the bra. Now I'm licking your, you know, breasts. They're neat!
Sweetheart: I'm running my fingers through your hair. Now I'm nibbling your ear.
Wellhung: I suddenly sneeze. Your breasts are covered with spit and phlegm.

Bloodninja: The profile pic is a fake.
Bloodninja: I use it to hide from the cops.
sweet17: You look like the Farm Fresh guy lol
Bloodninja: Well, you look like you ATE the Farm Fresh guy....
Bloodninja: Not to mention all the groceries.
I have a question..

Who the fuck was this mofo? What's the background story to all this and where did you first find it? I have never seen it before but I think it's fuckin hilarious.
Bloodninja is the AIM alias of an internet magician who trolled chat rooms in order to pwn 16 year old girls who wished to cyber. The results are some of the funniest pieces of literature ever to be spawned from the interbutts. While there have been rumors that Bloodninja's Powerword:IRL name may be "Jackson", His true identity remains unknown.


Might use this line:

To your light bulb I am the Thomas Edison of your sex. Without my light you would be lost in a sea of darkness.