One of the most exciting and awesome things I've seen


Feb 20, 2005
Ok, I know I've been starting a lot of threads appreciating things that some might consider pedestrian/typical, but fuck it, I can't get enough of this, so I had to post it too :D

5:16, right after they finish feeling up each other's necks in a slightly homoerotic gesture, the fucking intensity of that drum fill and then the wailing dueling guitar solos - I FUCKING LOVE DUELING GUITAR SOLOS, jesus christ; yes these get a bit wanky, and there are some missed notes, but it's the heat of a live gig (and both of their tones could really use some delay IMO :erk: ), and man, just hearing two dudes with awesome but unique styles firing lick volleys back and forth, doesn't get any better than that IMO! That is my fucking dream, to be up on stage doing stuff like that - also, even though it's just one dude (the almighty Neal Schon), I can't even fathom how awesome it must feel to be wailing away on that solo at 2:16 in the vid below in front of all those people :notworthy

Ok, I'm done gushing - guitar solos rule :D
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I can't even fathom how awesome it must feel to be wailing away on that solo at 2:16 in the vid below in front of all those people :notworthy

And in the 80`s dude, when music was more appreciated, and those solos would make all those chicks horny!! haha.

The beginning of the video is so 80´s i love it!!.
Yeah, that DVD is awesome, Steve Vai may be a little over-the-top-eccentric but he's one hell of a guitar player.

And in the 80`s dude, when music was more appreciated, and those solos would make all those chicks horny!! haha.
yeah man, I hear you. Nowadays chicks get horny over Disney losers and emo fags.
Almost broke rewind on my VCR many moons ago on this. lol

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Fuck yeah, the Crossroads duel never ceases to amaze :rock: And yeah, IMO the 80s were the golden days for guitar solos indeed, especially those with real attitude (crazy snarly bends, wailing licks, not the obsession with mechanical sweeping and alternate picking that seems to be so prominent today :( Though of course those too can sound awesome and have their place!)
I love the shot of Willie Brown standing in a spotlight, head hung low. You can really feel the weight of the smackdown he thinks Ralph just got handed.

And the heaven-verb on Ralph's last 'note' gives me ear wood.
i have a big thing against all that virtuoso shred stuff. purely because its the artist's personal masturbation fantasy pretty much, but i tend to really dig any dvd's peeps like that put out
i have one of the G3 dvd's lying about somewhere and I have to admit, i fucking dig the hell out of it.

buckethead is still the only virtuoso type solo artist i can listen to and enjoy though, avant-garde motherfucker
i have a big thing against all that virtuoso shred stuff. purely because its the artist's personal masturbation fantasy pretty much, but i tend to really dig any dvd's peeps like that put out
i have one of the G3 dvd's lying about somewhere and I have to admit, i fucking dig the hell out of it.

buckethead is still the only virtuoso type solo artist i can listen to and enjoy though, avant-garde motherfucker

This stuff is cool for the ability that the individual can display, but it's all just wankery to me. Gets soooo boring after about 10 seconds.

You guys can think what you want, but to me there's definitely potential for taste and attitude in guitar wankery, and I think both these examples really show that; sure, there are always people who are just masturbating or what not (Rusty Cooley ahem), but then there are guys like Vai, Petrucci, Schon who can just improvise such an intense and emotionally affecting (to me) solo with some really crazy lixx that's no more masturbation than any other guitarist really getting into a solo :)
+1 to marcus.

i personally feel a solo is a musicians reflection of the song onto itself through the instrument. but if the guitar player is just projecting his nut's it does get boring quick. I love shredding but definately not all shredders. i went to Hollywood's M.I. for like a week and there you find a few example's of shred gone wrong!
The best of both, wankery and feeling is the performance of Steve Vai.."for the love of god". Look in his eyes!! This is pure passion and love for music. Narcissism as well..but come on, is it that surprising? He is a god. I pray to him each day :)

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Got me all the G3 DVDs. I'd say my favorite is the Live in Tokyo one with Petrucci. I really love the version of "Searching" that Satch plays, it's so restrained and melodic and easily the most emotional song off that entire DVD.
Malmsteen kinda ruined the Live in Denver one though, the guy does not seem to truly understand the concept of leaving space and just seems to repeat himself too much during the jam. It's cool the first few times, but the descending and ascending 16th note alt picked lick he does gets
boring very quickly.
These days, in terms of virtuosos I only listen to Guthrie Govan, Buckethead and Satch. I used to listen to heaps of Vai, but after a while it kinda just lost weight of power over time.
I always noticed, during the blues/bluesy songs in the G3 jams, Satch truly understands the blues and he does it with genuine feel and passion, whereas Vai sounds forced and often some of his licks are so inappropriate and just not in the musical context at all, which is partly what ruined listening to Vai for me, is it proved he just isn't as genuine and a natural as Satch is.