Steak on the grill...let us talk about one of the greatest things in life

I´m kinda of a barbecue pro. The best way to prepare a BBQ is with fresh meat, charcoal fire and kosher salt. Goes well with some garlic too.
I like to prepare pork ribs with a mix of salt, yellow mustard, shoyu, lemon, pepper and honey.
Don´t know if there´s anyone from Argentina here, but they have this spice recipe called Chimichurri that goes really well with almost any meat. I´m glad that it´s pretty easy to find it here, as it makes wonders on cheaper parts of the cow (on the more expensive parts I think it´s a sin to use anything other than kosher salt).

By the way, this part is called rump cover on the US, right?

Yes we call it a rump roast.
Oh and you GOTTA eat em rare, or else you're basically admitting you are a woman.

there have been times where the middle was still cold...

with regards to spices and sauce, i don't like mine with sauce, but a little bit of salt/garlic or schwarz's steak seasoning doesnt go amiss...

i'd probably add garlic butter if i could be arsed to make it...

my missus made me some killer mash made with philladelphia spread and extra cheese...

its fair to say i slept well that night....
If you want to have your steak really rare in the middle, but not cold, take it out of the fridge about half an hour before you cook it, and let it slowly come up to room temperature. It'll cook much more evenly then. :)
i fuckin' love steak, man! the smell and taste are incredible. ribs kick ass too. especially grilled!
Kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper is usually all I put on steaks and they always turn out delicious.

I use a tiny bit of garlic sometimes. I also often flavor with ONLY a dash or two of soy sauce. Works especially well for fillet mignon.

Porterhouse for the fucking win!

I also love ribs; it's really just a matter of what I want to eat that night.