OK, so how do you shred?

The Eviscerator

New Metal Member
May 26, 2002
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I was listening to some songs by Dr Frankenshred at Mp3.com and I have no idea how that guy plays so fast. :confused:

What's the technique to shredding? How do you play so many notes so fast? Does it involve sweep picking? And if so, how do you keep the notes flowing continuously without hesitation? I'm sure some of you guitar experts who hang around here will know.
Practice, Practice, Practice...

Shredding fast is more "memory muscle" than anything...

Just getting used to playing scales/modes/patterns that are well-adapted to playing fast.

Get them memorized slowly, and work up the speed.

ALWAYS WARM UP before you try going as fast as you can...

Lots of patience....

Lots of practice...

A good book like Troy Stetina's Speed Mechanics may also be worth looking into. I haven't used it, but I know a number of people that would reccomend it.
I've been using Troy's Speed Mechanics for a cple of months. Although I tend to stick to playing rhythm, my lead playing has drastically improved. It depends on how much time you put in to it of course. I've been using nothing other than that book for 2 months and I'm happy with it. Best $15 I ever spent
pretty much all that has been said here helps you and as someone said before practice that's the key but lots of practice also playing scales can help your speed a lot theory modes also sweep picking if you know how to sweep properly also some tapping wouldn't be a bad addition to your playing check out www.cyberfret.com for more info :grin:
Use a damn metronome and don't just pick each note once. Use triplets and 16th notes etc on each note before you move on to the next one. I think all else has been said really. Practise and patience is the key. Now i just need to take my own advice :lol: