Ok, so I want a list....


Madly in anger with you
Apr 2, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
Visit site
Of every single metal band who's name comes from Lord of the Rings. Don't know why, I'm just curious. so, feel free to post any band that hasn't been listed here yet.

To get us started:

Burzum(and Grishnacht, an Orc General in the Two Towers)
Amon Amarth
Shagrath(I know, he's only the singer, but worth mentioning, as Shagrat is another Orc General in Return of The King)
Cirith Ungol
Ephel Duath

That's all I can think of. If you can remember any more, feel free.:p
i asked the question about ephel duath on www.lotrplaza.com and this is the answer i got.

Ephel Duath is Sindarin for "outer-fences" or "dark-shadow" (don’t ask me why there’s two meanings). It consists of the mountains forming the south and west boarders of Mordor and is about 800 miles long. In Westron, the chain in called the Moutains of Shadow (or the Shadowy Mountains).

so there ya go, hope that clears it up for people
this has been done before.
Burzum is old word from norway.
Tolkien got most of his names etc from Scandinavian mythology.
Avgrund said:
this has been done before.
Burzum is old word from norway.
Tolkien got most of his names etc from Scandinavian mythology.

yeah, i started this thread maybe a month or 2 ago hehehe