Ok so im getting these exchange students from japan in a few days...

Burning Bridges: LOL, yeah make them crowdsurf. It seems like so much fun. Too bad i didn't do it when i was at a Bodom show. I didn't want to lose my place and i had a really good view. And post pics too. I love seeing live pics. Alexi looks so sexy when he's tired and sweaty.
^lets hope he does'nt see you cause he will probley vomit up his gizzards and have to cancel the show.
^To grab me, kiss me, and have sex in front of the whole world.

No thats what you wish while you cut yourself cause your parents hate you're love obsession with someone you don't know, To be honest you're a crazy person and if alexi ever meets you i think he would try to shoot himself.:lol: :lol: