OK so ... Kamelot -The Chance - Poughkeepsie

While I'm at it, "that" should be "who" in both cases. You need a period after criticize.

You're also inconsistent with your spacing before and after an elipsis. There should be a space before "do" and none before "can't" to remedy that. Lastly, you should be using the comma and semicolon combination instead of elipsis and dash.

I'm just the critic, doing what I'm accused of. :)
You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs. I'm into having sex, I ain't into makin love, So come give me a hug if you into to getting rubbed ......
I'm sure it was simply to illustrate the point that.... you know what? nevermind.

all points clearly illustrated and blantenly obvious

ANYHOW ! The topic is about the show in Poughkeepsie Saturday night not deeply rooted ego problems, personal issues or tallying up even larger post counts for no apparent reason. I'm pretty sure this is a public forum not the Ken & Zach show
all points clearly illustrated and blantenly obvious

ANYHOW ! The topic is about the show in Poughkeepsie Saturday night not deeply rooted ego problems, personal issues or tallying up even larger post counts for no apparent reason. I'm pretty sure this is a public forum not the Ken & Zach show

Holy fuck, i wasn't even addressing you with that comment. No need to get pissypants over it. Jesus, i thought you were supposed to be in your 40's :rolleyes:
judging by those pictures i've seen of u taken a shat... I can imagine comfort is very important for you :D!

BTW, just got back from the montreal show and holly hell did it rock my brains out! Situated center room, not far from the front. First up we had a local band called Liva, not bad, not great....but still good opener! Than we had Leaves Eyes pop on stage, and they sounded great. The sound quality of this show was 120%, so good/clear. The place was packed, now i'm not much of a fan of leaves eyes but they put on one hell of a perfomance, especially Liv Kristines husband Alex, holly hell does that guy have a voice, and epic hair! Despite what any of you say he did a fine job covering shagrath for the encore of march of mephisto, and the fucking bastard jumped in to the crowd for some crowd surfing....How fucking awesome is that? It would be like Allen doing it, it would own! Than we have Kamelot whome just blew the house down... AND AND, for the haunting SIMONE popped out of no where to sing, which is odd since I heard she didn't do any of the other dates and that she wasn't on the tour, so it was a nice suprise! Guys where awesome, cassey gave some drum stix out, youngblood and berry through mass amounts of picks (by mass I mean at least 3-5 each) THey through a quebec flag with the kamelot logo in the center in the crowd aswell. All in all it was freaking amazing, and I'm sure anyone who attended would agree. However I have one complaint and thats being center stage, there where some fools who decided to mosh... I was with a couple of chicks and there where some random chicks around who where getting pulverized by these idiots so i moved my way to the front and any of one them who came close regretted it by being violently shuved in the opposite direction! and they didn't come back my way! Word to the wise, why do you idiots do such garbage and ruin the show? I missed a whole song shuving those fuckers away so that my buddies and other gals wouldn't get face planted by some drunken foolz. Ugh, other than that it went off without a hitch :)
Man, you lucky bastard! I was wondering where Simone would pop up on this tour. Granted she'll be here soon with Epica, but still. Not soon enough!!! Sounds like a great show. Setlist has been looking killer too.
Indeed, setlist was pretty sweet! Id approve of some old stuff to be playes as well, but I mean we can't make everyone happy lol. And yeah simone popped up on stage for the haunting, I think it was strictly to promote her new album, and how the band will be playing that venue in early september :)

Just to show you simone being present hear is some photos of leaves eyes and kamelot :D














I personally love youngbloods "i'm going to tare this power house down with my acoustic!" face
Proul: learn to read. I bash Ghost Opera because it is a shite album, an expensive beer coaster. Every other Kamelot album rules. 50cent > G.O.

Hard to comprehend, no?

razoredge: act your age ffs.