I'd sooner go to see 50cent than Kamelot if they play material from G.O.Older material is amazing though.
And thus we see why Kennish has 12 thousand some posts ....... its all that 50cent worth ....................
I'd sooner go to see 50cent than Kamelot if they play material from G.O.Older material is amazing though.
Sick, well hell yea, no one can sing good sick...
I'm sure it was simply to illustrate the point that.... you know what? nevermind.
all points clearly illustrated and blantenly obvious
ANYHOW ! The topic is about the show in Poughkeepsie Saturday night not deeply rooted ego problems, personal issues or tallying up even larger post counts for no apparent reason. I'm pretty sure this is a public forum not the Ken & Zach show
Holy fuck, i wasn't even addressing you with that comment. No need to get pissypants over it. Jesus, i thought you were supposed to be in your 40's
HAHA, Zach man you know they do have dipears for adults?