OK- so what's good on Game Cube?


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Apr 11, 2002
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My nephew has a Game Cube, and I was gonna get him a game. What's cool- and keep in mind I'm a hopeless retard when it comes to games, so I DON'T DO ACRONYMS (like HPVC or some crap). I had bought him NHL Hits 2002 (on sale at Costco), but he's already got it. He's only had it since like November, and he's already got 10 games.


If he's not a stickler about dates, just tell him to wait 2 months and you'll get him the new Zelda game (comes out in Feb. and is pretty much the best reason for even owning a gamecube).
Well, it was mentioned that since he already had what I had got him, we'd probably take him out and let him pick one out, but I'd like to know what's cool so I can at least make suggestionz and seem 'hip'.

So the Zelda will help. Thankz.
hmm.. .maybe we can only download the ones with the open, green padlocks. That sucks. You used to be able to get them all.

They're showing the trailer in theaters now anyway, and it's probably available online for download SOMEWHERE...
He probably already has it....but Metroid Prime is being described as one of The Best Video Games Ever Made. (Dramatic Music) So there's that.

The other really good games I've heard about are: Super Smash Brothers Melee (crazy fighting game with all sorts of characters like Samus from Metroid, The Princess from Mario, etc.) , Resident Evil Zero (scary game), Animal Crossing (cutesy tamagotchi-esque game), Harry Potter (if he's y'know, a sissy), Star Fox, and the game I personally really want: Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (A fighting game featuring Godzilla, Gigan, Rodan, and all the other olde tyme favorites beating the piss out of each other in various, anonymous Japanese cities, destroying them along the way. It looks like this:

Cool, it's good to know titles. I've seen the Resident Evil one, but he's just barely 10 so it's a little old for him. And I didn't see Metroid Prime in his collection, so maybe we'll look for that. I'd like to play the Godzilla one- if you can destroy cities and stuff, and step on people. Thanks for helping the video game illiterate.
oops, cut that off short...

meant to add on:
'.. but you wussies couldn't point out food to a starving colobus monkey in the middle of a Costco monkey biscuit section on Free samples day!'
i owned a GC until about 2 mths ago.

i didn't play a wide vrty of things, but of what i did own (or rent), i'd recommend:

G:DTAMM: the picture above is a bit overblown but the graphics are really good. i was a little upset that maybe the monsters moved to quickly to be movie monsters but after about 5 minutes the whole thing does take on the feeling of a movie. really cool. hard at first, too.

AC: i think i recommend it. it's definitely quirky. can get pretty boring, but what people don't tend to point out is the brilliance of the dialogue. really snappy stuff coming out of the animals' mouths.

PIKMIN: wicked amazing. that was said like i was from boston. this is probably underrated.

i didn't like ED all that much.