OK, they can shut down the internet now.

Best videos in the history of internet, period. He's gotta be drunk or getting high on crack again, how can somebody talk like that?? :D

I think Andy and James could learn a thing or two from Tad's mixes....:lol:

And wtf, how can anybody have that kind of website-design anymore?!?
im a little concerned here

the drummer is throwing darts
Not to take some of the glory away from Tad Donley, there's another idiot giving recording advice on Expert village.
Some of my favorite parts:
There are three basic types of microphones. You have a uni-directional for the sound basically comes in directly into the front of the microphone face here. It just goes directly in. It's called the uni-directional, one meaning uni of course. We have an omni pattern [holds up a generic dynamic], which is more circular, it's a more circular pattern. So you have a real straight line type of configuration, sounds going right in. Then you have a more circular pattern where the sound is coming in in an omni or in a multi-directional type and that's an omni-directional microphone. And the third one that is used is a heart-shaped, and this is an example, a good example of a heart-shaped microphone here. This Sennheiser.

Let's continue now with our sessions on how to use a 2-track reel to reel tape recorder. Last, but not least, you have a ribbon-type of microphone. I have two examples of these. One is the very, very famous SM7 microphone. I took the windscreen off so that you can actually see the inner workings. It has a very large diaphragm. The diaphragm is what actually makes the microphone work. Sound will come into this real thin piece and what it'll do is it'll actually oscillate that piece. So it's mainly taking acoustic energy and converting it into electrical energy. This SM7 has a very large diaphragm and it produces an excellent quality audio for vocals, warm instruments, woodwinds, violins, these are great microphones for all around use. Not so much transient oriented, but great for warm sound
People have been asking to see the lyrics
of "I Want A Walmart Girl", so here they are:

She's not afraid to go out in a black miniskirt
But you'll see her every Sunday in her favorite church
She's nice and normal, sensible, and down to earth
She's not afraid to love, even though she's been hurt
She doesn't want extravagance and riches for fun,
And I know I kind a like her

I want a Walmart girl - I want a Walmart girl

She wants to be sexy, she can be real cool
She grew up in her town, and she's nobody's fool
She really loves her people, and they know her well
Once you get to know her she comes out of her shell
She turned around and saw me, and she gave me a smile
I can see it in her eyes..

I want a Walmart girl - I want a Walmart girl

While the rest of the world is on a high-crash course
Trying to get more money - more control over us
She is helping people - wants it all to slow down
Trusting God to help her - she's the queen of her town

I want a Walmart girl - I want a Walmart girl

Her morning is her coffee and her pickup truck
The life she built around her is what she made up
I gotta get a tire for my Formula One
Maybe she will be there working, having fun
She turned around and saw me, and she gave me a smile
I can see it in her eyes...

Copyright (c)(p) 2007 Tad Donley
All rights reserved.
Stuff on Expert village is majorly actually quite OK... But only if you are a fucking beginner and don't know shit about the subject, like most of us here do about recording music.

For example the category "music recording"... Well, what is the most basic thing about recording music? Well... umm.. the recording process itself! But there isn't a single video about how to record or mic anything! Like how to mic a guitar cabinet, should be more than basic thing about recording, right? NONE!

I watched the majority of list of 1949 videos under under "music recording" and only thing they have is something to do with fucking seqencers and MIDI! WHERE ARE THE FUCKING ACTUAL RECORDING VIDEOS!?!?!??!?!?!1

The Tad Donley videos, altho very misleading, biased and unprofessional, were actually one the first ones that had anything to do with the actual recording process of real instruments, like how to choose microphones, but I had browsed over 300 videos before that. This one was actually the first one that had something to do with the actual recording process of real instruments and guess what? That guy is recording to reel-to-reel machine! There was well over 500 videos before that. But still: NOT A SINGLE VIDEO how to mic up an amp or how record a drumkit! Experts my ass!

edit: I found ONE video about micing an amp :notworthy