OK, they can shut down the internet now.

ha ha haaaa....

I haven't watched the videos yet. Not sure I want to. This thread and the myspace page already made me feel so dirty and gross. I need a shower now.
New Warior blog people!!

"WARRIOR wants to thank and WE ARE MAKING A MOVIE!!"

"WARRIOR wants to thank all of you for all the blessings and your support. We are about to make a real movie! Still working on the screenplay, but it will be centered on the band, the members, and actors and actresses in the Houston area. It's going to be fun. Thanks again for all of your kind emails and calls. We are holding auditions for real actors and actresses from college or AD Players, etc who don't expect to get paid and we are not with the Union, but would want to add this to your resume. Get ahold of us thru our myspace message device and we will contact you and talk."

Is anyone else as pumped about this movie as I am??:kickass:
....holy.....shit....that was AMAZING lol. You guys all make sure to go out and get yourselves that fancy NEWman u87, make sure not to mess around with that shitty AKJ mic wouldn't want to roofs of your mouths to fall off. LMAO, this guy doesn't even know the word sibilance exists.
Fuck yea...completely forgot about the legendary 58 and how "the guitars get it for sure." How could i forget the mic that everyone uses for guitar....always....in every project......ever.....of life...
We are about to make a real movie! Still working on the screenplay, but it will be centered on the band, the members, and actors and actresses in the Houston area. It's going to be fun.

8 Ball
coming soon to a theatre near you.