Ok, this is just great


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
Frigen on the line for Rhapsody since like 11 AM, meet Alex and Fabio. Got a pic with Fabio but it came out all blurry and gay.
Fucking for no aparent reason all of Into Eternity fucking walk by. My friend and I are all like "FUCKING INTO ETERNITY!! WHATS UP?!!!"
Fucking take the greatest pciture with all of them and talk with them for like a half hour. Hopefully at the show next Sunday they'll fucking hang out more with us, since they asked our names and everything.

Rhapsody was so great live. Opened with Unholy Warcry and closed with Emerald Sword, the sound was just so good and everything was perfect on target. Fabio got the crowd really into it and just made the show all the more better. So glad I finally got to see them live.
Fucking Adam was going crazy that I had a Nevermore shirt on because he said hes friends with Nevermore and has partied with the guys before. Real cool fucking guy. And I was going crazy with Stu because he was wearing my None so Vile shirt. Crazy shit.
Who's the dude in the middle? Did they get a new singer again? I recognize the other 4 but not him. Their new drummer Adam (the one to James' left) is from Madison, WI, repruhzent!

Also, this "Got a pic with Fabio but it came out all blurry and gay." <--- is too easy, so I'm not even going to say it.

I think it's funny how a band like IE, who have both death and prog elements are playing so much with really straight-up power metal bands. They're openning for Hammerfall and Edguy for a bit late summer and then going on tour with Stratovarius. It's not bad, just funny.
Yep, guy in the middle was Stu, the new singer. And they are opening for Krisiun and Hate Eternal next week, not a very power meta show lol. But Yes they are also playing with Stratovarius in September and Edguy in August (both of which I'm going too :D)
And Everlost the show was Holy Hell, Rhapsody, and Manowar last night.
Dead_Lioness said:
I hate this club though.. they have stupid security people
Yeah, they do have real dumb security people. Some security guard had some girl in a head lock after the show because of a camera issue, was a big mess.