Okay, Job Opportunities for You Norwegians!

Norwegian Job Ad Seeks Friendly Vikings

Norwegian Job Ad Seeks Friendly Vikings Without Blood Lust to Fill Slots at Historical Park

The Associated Press

Apr. 5, 2005 - Help wanted: Vikings. Must be friendly, tourist-oriented and interested in ancient Norse traditions. Crazed, bloodthirsty pillagers need not apply.

In a rare employment opportunity for Vikings, whose job market peaked about 1,000 years ago when they terrorized Europe in their longboats, southern Norway's Vestfold county wants to fill slots at its local historical park.

The ad, to appear in local media Saturday, will be simple: "Jobs available. Vikings in Vestfold," with a link to the center's Internet home page, said Lars Kobro, self-described chieftain of the Midgard Historical Center.

"More and more we see that tourists are interested in Vikings," Kobro said Tuesday. "They don't want just exhibits, but face-to-face encounters.

But the center is seeking to play down the Scandinavian Vikings' reputation as wild, murderous looters who pillaged and burned through much of Europe, a claim Kobro said was largely exaggerated in texts left by ancient English monks.

"They were really more traders and merchants," said Kobro. He said they are seeking a corps of about 50 part-time Vikings, ready to turn out at the center when needed.

Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.
Erik said:
I'd do it... Beats flipping burgers
This is one job I never understand why people take, I've had friends that settle for $5 an hour to do the most terrible work on the planet, when they could sign up as a hired laborer for any of the millions of construction companies around and make $12 an hour. Sure you bust your ass, but no more than you do for retail or fast food. Plus you get a good workout and lots of fresh air.

Uh, yeah. Vikings. RAR!!!
No one really knows why the Vikings were so pissed off, but most historians agree that it's probably because they had to wear skirts and were named after a shitty football team from Minnesota
fotmbm said:
No one really knows why the Vikings were so pissed off, but most historians agree that it's probably because they had to wear skirts and were named after a shitty football team from Minnesota
Awesome. Truly awesome.
One Inch Man said:
This is one job I never understand why people take, I've had friends that settle for $5 an hour to do the most terrible work on the planet, when they could sign up as a hired laborer for any of the millions of construction companies around and make $12 an hour. Sure you bust your ass, but no more than you do for retail or fast food. Plus you get a good workout and lots of fresh air.

I started doing that today actually :loco: though I haven't got round to doing burgers yet, just on the til mostly :loco: seeing how I lost my second-last job and quitt my last one after a week, I need anything to get the £ for summer. Not bad actually...yet. And a LOT easier than labouring by the sounds of things :tickled: