okay maybe i am not really right in the head... but does this make sense?


Aug 2, 2002
Visit site
we have a charity walk every year. if you volunteer to help set up the walk, register people, hand out prizes etc and you work here, you get a comp day (an extra day off). if you WALK in the walk and raise money, it seems you DONT get a comp day.
i like, dont really care i guess since i have like 5 weeks vacation. but still. it's weird.

anyway, anyone want to sponsor me?
PM me.
is this AIDS walk?

once this girl approached me and in the course of our conversation she found out i was collecting sponsors and she offered to sponsor me for $10. we ended up going on a couple of dates before reverting to a booty-call type situation until after a month or so she left boston and i haven't spoken to her since.

the problem being that i had already turned in my AIDS walk pledges and she never actually gave me $10 and i didn't want to track her down and be like "hi remember me you owe me ten bucks?" so i ended up having to pay for her pledge out of my own pocket. :(
see, the point of my story was that she really didn't give a damn about AIDS. she just said she would sponsor me to get into my pants and then left me high and dry!
notice: in the same manner that the police were quick to believe that a black man had killed Charles Stewart's wife, nobody called me on it when i pushed the blame the rape on the Serb.