Okay, so Type O Negative doesn't totally suck

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
My shift leader at work just burned me copies of Slow, Deep And Hard and Life Is Killing Me, and I gotta say, I'm digging them both, though for pretty different reasons. Slow is basically Carnivore with keyboards, and I am totally fucking down with that–plus, how can you not like a song called "Unsuccessfully Coping With the Natural Beauty of Infidelity"? Life is pretty fucking different, kinda poppy, but really REALLY entertaining in a goofy way. Hilarious shit and some real cool riffs here and there.

Oh, I also got a burn of Origin of the Feces, which I haven't checked out yet. I understand it's basically a "live" (aka live in studio w/ crown noise) version of Slow, yes? (Metal Archives is down again.)

However, the stuff in between these albums still sucks.
cause smart arse people like them , like me, they t.o.n think they are from the jesus sect...

I think the only one I never could get too into was that one.... after Bloody Kisses but before Life is Killing Me... the one with Pyretta Blaze on it. It didn't have the comedic value of the others.

That's one of the main reasons I like TON, they have fun with what they do. I heard a bootleg of theirs once and Peter was on stage talking about taking a shit for five minutes. Classic!
That would be World Coming Down, which I also didn't like. But in all fairness I didn't give it enough of a chance. I usually give an album half a dozen or so spins before I decide if I like it or not.
my problem with that album is it just feels simpler overall than their other albums. Most of the time Pete's bass playing isn't doing anything unique and just playing with the guitar. It does have a few highlights though.. Try "creepy green light", "everything dies", "pyretta blaze"
the only TON songs which i really like are Christian Woman, Suspended In Dusk and Red Water. these ones are brilliant...