Okay.. time to 'fess up!!


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
Exactly which one of you guys is this?! I realize it's not difficult to get totally trashed at PPUSA, but STREAKING in Midtown??! Really?! bwahahahah!! :guh: :lol: It must have been a pretty hot day in HOTlanta!!

Starts at 1:00.

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First of all, laying down on pavement naked as they day you were born in the middle of the day has got to be one of the most agonizing experiences ever.

Secondly. Someone who shall remain nameless walked from Center Stage to Super 8 with his dick and balls flying free after Friday night artmore party 2 years ago... The whole way.
First of all, laying down on pavement naked as they day you were born in the middle of the day has got to be one of the most agonizing experiences ever.

I was thinking the same thing. I cannot imagine that would be a good feeling, sizzling that johnson on the hot pavement like that!

Holy crap, just how many friggan cops did they need there? :lol: