old and happy.


Explore The Space
Aug 2, 2006
After many near misses, this semi-old fucker finally got to see Slayer last night on the Unholy Alliance tour here in Dublin. After nearly 20 years of not being in the right place at the right time the planets aligned and I was finally in the same town as those old bastards. I tell ya, it was almost worth the wait and I felt like that 14 year old sneaking out of school to go buy South of Heaven on the day it was released back in about 1876. If I have that kind of energy like those proper-old fuckers when I get to their age, I'll be doing well. The monster upside-down crosses made out of at least a dozen Marshall cabs were a nice touch too. :headbang:

Earlier in the eve, Lamb of God were simply brutal. I get more and more impressed with Chris Adler every day.

In Flames appeared to be just going through the motions although I was dead impressed with their fill-in guitarist. Surprisingly lots of old stuff from Clayman, Colony and Jester Race in their set. They possibly had the best mix on the night as well.

No surprises in terms of gear throughout the night, with the standard Mesa/5150 and Marshall Cab stuff floating about. Although I swear there was a good dose of POD XT in the In Flames tone and not just on the clean sounds. Could be just these old ears playing tricks on me though.