Old Anthrax Picture


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
THis is one old pic..... Whose shorter ???

Hey Buddy...... i know you can use this!!!!!!

480 || this.height > 640) if((this.width / this.height) > (480/640)) {this.width=480} else {this.height=640}" border=0>
Liliker is the only "metal looking" one out of all of them. Nice belly shirt Dan, was that ever metal. Nice Short sleeve leather scott. And Charlie really looks old. Funny shit the 80s were.
Turbin is a fucking giant compared to those guys. Lilker looks like a Ramone. Funny picture. I remember the local metal dudes looked just like that. Fuck I feel old.
yeah the 80s were funny and they guys look silly - hell I looked like that at one time. but the 70s and the 90s with the fucking 70s revival also sucked ass :yuk: Curt No Brain is not a spokesman for my genereation

There were bands that looked much worse in the 80s and especially in the late 80s

Note to the youngin's in 1984 Metal out sold every other genre of music, so from 1985 on a bunch of good hard rock bands went south with over produced crap and the hair bands that followed were God awful :ill:

Thank God Mettalica and Anthrax were around and not like these bands. :headbang:

Oh shit I'm old somebody pass the Geritol and Depends.