Old Favorites - New Projects?


Madness Reigns
Mar 23, 2006
Someone mentioned Michael Olivieri on a Leatherwolf thread a while back. Amazing vocalist -- is he doing anything new?

Another great vocalist that I'd love to hear from again is Tom Mallicoat from Lethal. I read a couple of years ago that he was looking to put together a new band, but haven't heard anything since. Has anyone else heard anything about a new project?
Yeah, a couple of projects that appeal to me are:

1. Riverdogs - This is Vivian Campbell's (ex-Dio) band that he had along with Rob Lamonth, excellent vocalist btw, between his Whitesnake and Def Leppard days. The Riverdogs are currently working on new material in between Vivian's tour schedule and Rob's solo career. I highly suggest checking out the Riverdogs s/t debut!

2. Rowan Robertson, who is the underrated, young gun that Dio had during Lock Up The Wolves. He's currently working on a project with some guy from Altaria, who I'm not familiar with. Rowan is a kick ass guitarist and I'd love to see him really active, and back out on the metal music scene!
LunaTEKKE said:
Another great vocalist that I'd love to hear from again is Tom Mallicoat from Lethal. I read a couple of years ago that he was looking to put together a new band, but haven't heard anything since. Has anyone else heard anything about a new project?

He should be singing something somewhere, that guy was awesome. Lucky enough to catch Lethal at Powermad and they were great! tom seemed pretty shy though, maybe some stage fright?