Old Iron Maiden BB'ers with different nicks: Identify Yourselves

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Prismatic Sphere said:
If you don't remember me; then don't bother either.

I think I vaguely remember a Nightwing.

"Don't bother either".......WTF does that mean?
I was one of the raging Liberals who opposed the war/hate Bush etc on the IMBB.

But hey, we have a clean slate.
I posted as Pimpbot5000 there since the end of 2001, but didn't really get into the mix until early 2002. I kept my "aka Pimpbot5000" so people can remember me from the IMBB.

I used to try to avoid posting in political threads, but I'd always go through them and be happy to see Prismatic Sphere reply, because he'd always have something intelligent to say from the same end of the political spectrum as me. It wasn't until Rainking came around, that pissed me off so much, I started actually getting involved in political threads.
I was Unholy Punishment/Unholy Messiah. i had an account over here on ultimatemetal.com a long long time ago, back whenever the Nevermore BB just emerged over here. ahhh the days
Dreamer Deceiver said:
I posted as Pimpbot5000 there since the end of 2001, but didn't really get into the mix until early 2002. I kept my "aka Pimpbot5000" so people can remember me from the IMBB.

I used to try to avoid posting in political threads, but I'd always go through them and be happy to see Prismatic Sphere reply, because he'd always have something intelligent to say from the same end of the political spectrum as me. It wasn't until Rainking came around, that pissed me off so much, I started actually getting involved in political threads.
Maybe we can crank it up again, cos Rainking is still around, and things are going so swimmingly well for Bush at the moment........... :lol:

I remember you Pimpbot, but the Sphere must have been insignificant, cos I don't remember any running battles with him - either that, or he was a bit more intelligent than Ray, Goose, Buzzcut, HH, etc etc ad fucking nauseum............
Nightwing said:
Maybe we can crank it up again, cos Rainking is still around, and things are going so swimmingly well for Bush at the moment........... :lol:

I remember you Pimpbot, but the Sphere must have been insignificant, cos I don't remember any running battles with him - either that, or he was a bit more intelligent than Ray, Goose, Buzzcut, HH, etc etc ad fucking nauseum............

I think I'm gonna retire from BB politcal debates, at least for now... ;)
Hey, but I respected your debating, even though I completely disagreed with you about most things. Unlike Rainking, your opinions were well thought out, and you knew when to end an argument that was obviously going no where.

Prismatic Sphere was mostly in the political threads before you or Rainking were around.
Dreamer Deceiver said:
I think I'm gonna retire from BB politcal debates, at least for now... ;)
Hey, but I respected your debating, even though I completely disagreed with you about most things. Unlike Rainking, your opinions were well thought out, and you knew when to end an argument that was obviously going no where.

Prismatic Sphere was mostly in the political threads before you or Rainking were around.
Fair enough. I always thought there was no point in flogging a dead horse, and as you know, things often turned nasty after a while........which was a shame.
I seem to remember having a couple of fairly bitter things going with you - but you seem concilatory enough, therefore I will be the same!!
Prismatic Sphere said:
Sounds like I missed some pretty good political flame battles in between the time when I left and when the General Chat forum was shut down.
Glad to know HH made a final appearance.

Is all that why it was shut down?:lol:

That was merely one of the reasons given.........btw, HH made several 'final' appearances, with several different nicks.
Well there were reasons variously given, such as;
Too many flame wars
It was costing too much to maintain
The band found some of the content objectionable

I think that was about it.........
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