Old Iron Maiden BB'ers with different nicks: Identify Yourselves

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I'm back here again, used to be Lady Vampy (oddly enough) and before I was Vampyra.

Just for the record Maskim Xul used to be Lestat and before that, Ironfulljames.
Lady Vampy said:
I'm back here again, used to be Lady Vampy (oddly enough) and before I was Vampyra.

Just for the record Maskim Xul used to be Lestat and before that, Ironfulljames.
:err: Back when I was young, weren't you together with a nice though slightly odd bloke called Nocturial?
Ran Mori said:
:err: Back when I was young, weren't you together with a nice though slightly odd bloke called Nocturial?

Yes I was but if you thought he was nice you didn't know him like I did. I broke up with him last year and haven't even heard from him since January this year (not that I actually care). I've been with Maskim_Xul for six months now.

Who were you on the IMBB then? I don't remember your nick.
Lady Vampy said:
Yes I was but if you thought he was nice you didn't know him like I did. I broke up with him last year and haven't even heard from him since January this year (not that I actually care). I've been with Maskim_Xul for six months now.

Who were you on the IMBB then? I don't remember your nick.

I didn't know him that well so all I can say is that he seemed nice, but in some way, also slightly odd as I already mentioned.

Maskim_Xull aka Ironfulljames......wasn't he with that girl who ran a hughut? (and why do I think it sounds so much like "As the BB turns" or "The BB and the Beautiful"? Maybe I'm just nuts).

I was Beldaran, but that's some time ago. A lot of things happened that made me less Beldaran.
Ran Mori said:
I didn't know him that well so all I can say is that he seemed nice, but in some way, also slightly odd as I already mentioned.

Maskim_Xull aka Ironfulljames......wasn't he with that girl who ran a hughut? (and why do I think it sounds so much like "As the BB turns" or "The BB and the Beautiful"? Maybe I'm just nuts).

I was Beldaran, but that's some time ago. A lot of things happened that made me less Beldaran.

I have no idea what a hughut is but he used to go out with crazedpsycho, they split up about a month before I got together with him (I think, it could have been longer than that). Oh and he had a thing with Kool-AidFIEND but I don't think that was anything serious. You're right this is like the "BB and the Beautiful", there are/were so many little love lines that it seems like everyone's been out with everyone else at some point.

I remember you from when you were Beldaran, in fact I just recently finished reading The Mallorean and it reminded me of you :)
:) :) :)

And someone recently told me you (also) had a thing with Lostboy, but that could be just a rumour.
Yeah it's like When The BB turns. Good thing I still have the same guy as I found there 3 years ago.
Ran Mori said:
:) :) :)

And someone recently told me you (also) had a thing with Lostboy, but that could be just a rumour.
Yeah it's like When The BB turns. Good thing I still have the same guy as I found there 3 years ago.

That's not a rumour (who told you though?), it's true although I don't know whether he'd say anything about it or not. Besides which, I'm not really bothered cos through him, via Kool-AidFIEND, some magic and good timing, I met Maskim_Xul. He's the most fantastic person I've ever met and I have a feeling that we'll be getting engaged in a few weeks time. What was your man called on the BB?
Hey Proggies.

What was that band? Zero Hour? there was a song by them I thought fucking rocked. It started out with a fucnky sounding bass line then got heavy as all fuck in a weird timed riff. Sounds like most prog songs ;) hahah but I cant remeber the name. I think PFM mentioned it to me.
Lady Vampy said:
That's not a rumour (who told you though?), it's true although I don't know whether he'd say anything about it or not. Besides which, I'm not really bothered cos through him, via Kool-AidFIEND, some magic and good timing, I met Maskim_Xul. He's the most fantastic person I've ever met and I have a feeling that we'll be getting engaged in a few weeks time. What was your man called on the BB?
Kwisatz Haderach.......

And I can't remember who told me, sorry. These events take me back almost a year half a year ago or so. My mind is slightly blurred on those days mainly cos I was going through a rough time.
Ran Mori said:
Kwisatz Haderach.......

And I can't remember who told me, sorry. These events take me back almost a year half a year ago or so. My mind is slightly blurred on those days mainly cos I was going through a rough time.

Well I hope things with you and him are very happy cos you deserve it *hugs*
Thanks! That's really nice of you. I really hope you and IronfullJames (sorry, types easier for me) are at the verge of something wonderfull.....that would be just awesome.
Ps. what makes you think Lostboy wouldn't say a thing about it or not? Regarding of the little troubles I had with him, we used to be a bit of mates and I remember him as being very open (a wee bit too open from time to time perhaps?)
Isn't IronfullJames the guy that used to flirt with Kool aid fiends from time to time?
Ran Mori said:
Thanks! That's really nice of you. I really hope you and IronfullJames (sorry, types easier for me) are at the verge of something wonderfull.....that would be just awesome.
Ps. what makes you think Lostboy wouldn't say a thing about it or not? Regarding of the little troubles I had with him, we used to be a bit of mates and I remember him as being very open (a wee bit too open from time to time perhaps?)
Aww thanks *hugs*

I don't know whether Losty would admit to anything having gone on between us because I don't think he really felt anything for me despite what he said. I think he was still in love with his ex and he had a lot if issues. Also he never said anything about me to anyone else at the time... apart from starting a thread in honour of me on the BB. Besides nothing much really happened between us.
Nightwing said:
Maybe we can crank it up again, cos Rainking is still around, and things are going so swimmingly well for Bush at the moment........... :lol:

I remember you Pimpbot, but the Sphere must have been insignificant, cos I don't remember any running battles with him - either that, or he was a bit more intelligent than Ray, Goose, Buzzcut, HH, etc etc ad fucking nauseum............

You dumb wombat! all of the above mentioned are intellectually head & shoulders above you LOL

Yes, even HH LOL
Whats the opposite of above me?
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