OLD MAN’S CHILD album changes


there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
All the way back in April Old Man’s Child entered Studio Fredman in Gothenburg, Sweden, to start the recording of their follow up to “Revelation 666” from 2000. May 13th the band finished the recording, but after that things got quiet.

Galder has now given the OMC website some information on what happened, and here’s what he said:

"Sorry for all the confusion, it's just been so many fuck up's with this album! We had to go and re-mix the album first of all, and I wasn’t too happy with the lyrics as well (someone else did them at first) so I decided to just re-write all the lyrics myself and do the vocals over again, and so I did, so now everything seems to be in order and it should be out the latest in January (but you never know with O.M.C.) if things goes as planned.

The albumtitle "In Defiance Of Existence" is more of a working-title as Galder might feel like changing it later on. But as for now, the tracklist is as followed:

1. Felonies of the christian art
2. Agony of fallen grace
3. Black seeds on virgin soil
4. In defiance of existence
5. Sacrifice of vengeance
6. The soul receiver
7. In quest of enigmatic dreams
8. The underworld domains
9. Life depreived

The album contains Galder on vocals, lead guitars, acoustic guitars, bass and synth. Jardar plays lead guitars and acoustic guitars. On drums we find Nick Barker, while Gus G (Dream Evil) does a couple of leads.

Old Man’s Child website: http://www.oldmanschild.tk/