OLD MAN´S CHILD will be released January 20th 2003


Anastasia's Minion
Feb 12, 2002
Like an arctic storm blowing through the bony branches of the exhausted Hardangervidda woods, OLD MAN'S CHILD frontman Galder is raising a new symphonic heresy freezing all enemies to eternal death: "In Defiance Of Existence". On his side are the long time follower Jardar on lead guitar, and drummer Nicholas Barker (Dimmu Borgir, Lock Up, ex-Cradle Of Filth) who is also Galder's new bandmate in Dimmu Borgir. The lords of Dimmu Borgir were quite amazed by the work Galder had done on the last OMC album "Revelation 666" and recruited him as the new guitarist. Making a guest appearance on several tracks is Gus G. (Dream Evil etc.) who contributed some guitar leads. The Black Metal masterpiece was produced at the Studio Fredman and engineered by Fredrik Nordström. Newcomer Shannon Hourigan created the amazing cover artwork, maintaining the high standards of OMC's visual expression. Even if it seemed nearly impossible, Galder has improved his unique style of sharp thrash metal riffs and majestetic Black Metal melodies on this groundbreaking epos.

Website: www.oldmanschild.tk.