Old Man´s Child - "In Defiance Of Existence"


Jul 30, 2002
Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais / Brasil
OLD MAN'S CHILD have completed the recording of their new album, In Defiance Of Existence (I have heard this album will be called "Ifidel"...), and are currently wrapping up the mastering. Look for the album to be released through Century Media Records in early 2003. In addition to performances by mastermind Galder (vocals, guitars/DIMMU BORGIR) and Nick Barker (drums/Dimmu Borgir, ex-CRADLE OF FILTH), DREAM EVIL guitarist Gus G. has contributed a few guest solos. I'm curious...
Originally posted by Mocika
yes, they changed the title recently.
So which is it then?? I read on the site that "Infidel" was a working title, so does that mean "In Defiance Of Existence" is now the definitive title??

Nick Barker on drums to me sounds interesting. They recorded in Abyss again?? (*hopes not*)
Originally posted by Somberlain
Hmm..Barker on drums..??Damnit..Looks like we won't have anything similar to the Pagan Prosperity..

to sad, because "Pagan Prosperity" is my OMC's fav.:(
With Barker and Galder working together, I'm seriously expecting this to sound like a DB album. Not that that's bad, but still. And I find nothing wrong with Barker, Sentience. I quite like his drumming on Puritanical so on and so forth.
Originally posted by sentience_withers
yeah....but I hate it... I think his cradle drumming was okay,maybe even his work on lock up but puritanical was terrible... It was boring as fuck... Hoglan kicks Barkers ass. Barker ruined Borgir.

:lol: Yeah, and Mulder ruined the X-Files... Geez man!
hehehe... I agree with Eldzik.. I never liked that Scully... I stick to my comments. Barker did ruin Borgir. They were good before him. Previous drummers kept it real. Barker is fast. And thats all he is. He shows no technical skills whatsoever on Puritanical, even though he did in other projects. To me, drumming should be about more than seeing how fast you can go.
Originally posted by sentience_withers
hehehe... I agree with Eldzik.. I never liked that Scully... I stick to my comments. Barker did ruin Borgir. They were good before him. Previous drummers kept it real. Barker is fast. And thats all he is. He shows no technical skills whatsoever on Puritanical, even though he did in other projects. To me, drumming should be about more than seeing how fast you can go.

i don't listen Dimmu before "Puritanical", because i don't like "romantic doom/black", but i must say it's good album and Barker is also very good. later i heard previous Dimmu's cds (but still don't like) and Tjodalv is poor drummer. he isn't fast or technical and also he used many computer effects. i also saw him with Susperia and he was really poor :( anyway, i think Barker didn't ruin Dimmu, but add to their music more skills!
Originally posted by Eldzik
anyway, i think Barker didn't ruin Dimmu, but add to their music more skills!

Yeah, me too. Although I almost love 'Spiritual Black Dimensions' as much as 'P.E.M', I think Barker propels Dimmu into the 21st century... Fucking good stuff! :cool:
Originally posted by sentience_withers
hehehe... I agree with Eldzik.. I never liked that Scully... I stick to my comments. Barker did ruin Borgir. They were good before him. Previous drummers kept it real. Barker is fast. And thats all he is. He shows no technical skills whatsoever on Puritanical, even though he did in other projects. To me, drumming should be about more than seeing how fast you can go.

That Barker isn´t a technical drummer... you´re fucking wrong. Watch the World Misantrophy and see Barker in action I´ll think you will change your opinion... I think Barker does an excellent job after Tjodalv. But Tjodalv is still the master !
Oh my gods;)

This album is way better, than I had dared to anticipate... The sound is perfect... In fact; everything is perfect... I... Damn... I can´t explain it in my non-native-tongue, but I would say it´s the best since "In The Shades Of Life"!

Check it out if you like frenzy guitars, hyperblasting drums and good production in a completed blackmetal band...

All hail!
I agree...Awsome album..OMC is one of my favourites bands so I've been waiting a long time for that album....The only thing I don't like is Nick's trigging, but other than that it's an amazing album.. With Blood Red Throne and OMC, I think 2003 will be a good year for metal :headbang: