Old Man's Child featured on L.A. Dragnet

Darth Kur

Misanthropic Naysayer
Dec 3, 2002
NC, Vinland
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I was watching Dragnet last night and was surprised to see that one of the characters wearing an Old Man's Child shirt. The person in question is a late teen female which is despondent and apathetic and turns out to be guilty of cold heartedly torturing and murdering one of her peers. When the police show up at her room there is a full sized Old Man's Child poster on her door featuring the cover art of the most recent album. Inside there's an Immortal poster, black decoration abundant complete with glowing skull and gory image on her computer screen. Plus she's sporting yet another Old Man's Child shirt. Blasting from her stereo on the other hand is some unidentified generic sounding punk music. As the story develops she turns out to be devoid of any redeeming characteristics, freely admitting her part in the grisly murder and not giving a damn about her own well being whatsoever. So, from this we should gather what? That anyone who is into such dark and hideously evil music such as she was must therefore by a callous and misanthropic monster that is completely morally bankrupt that needs to be locked away or strung up (she ends up hanging herself).
Now is this what the mass media would wish us all to believe or is it just a coincidence?
Darth Kur said:
I was watching Dragnet last night and was surprised to see that one of the characters wearing an Old Man's Child shirt. The person in question is a late teen female which is despondent and apathetic and turns out to be guilty of cold heartedly torturing and murdering one of her peers. When the police show up at her room there is a full sized Old Man's Child poster on her door featuring the cover art of the most recent album. Inside there's an Immortal poster, black decoration abundant complete with glowing skull and gory image on her computer screen. Plus she's sporting yet another Old Man's Child shirt. Blasting from her stereo on the other hand is some unidentified generic sounding punk music. As the story develops she turns out to be devoid of any redeeming characteristics, freely admitting her part in the grisly murder and not giving a damn about her own well being whatsoever. So, from this we should gather what? That anyone who is into such dark and hideously evil music such as she was must therefore by a callous and misanthropic monster that is completely morally bankrupt that needs to be locked away or strung up (she ends up hanging herself).
Now is this what the mass media would wish us all to believe or is it just a coincidence?

Was she hot?
i watched that show. she was not guilty of murder though, the other "preppy" girl was the one who had committed the act and her father had instructed her to do so.

it was a pretty good episode.
No she wasn't that hot looking. The other chick was much better looking although both a tad bit young for me. Anyways even though the other one did the fire lighting she did admit to pouring gas on the victim plus also partook in all of the torture. So I'd say that was just as quilty. Either way it was a good show.