Old Man's Child - In Defiance of Existence

Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
I can't remember the last time I listened to an album that left me as awestruck as this one did. There are so many subtle and amazing things that occur within the composition of the songs, variations of patterns and harmonies, tempos and timings--and it all sounds incredible. I bought this album expecting it to be good, and it absolutely floored me. unbelievable. Every time I listen to this album in my car I find myself babbling out loud to myself "Fuck, that's incredible." This approaches the pinnacle of what I always hoped black metal music could be.
Tis a good album and in my opinion maybe the best OMC album of the last few...I haven't really listened to it since it came out but its good. The songwriting is a bid odd, and it doesn't flow like a normal album would but that is OMC's style...however it doesn't compare to Born of the Flickering, which I think is a very very underrated black metal album.
I wouldn't say I am awestruck when I listen to IDoE, however Black Seeds on Virgin Soil is a great fucking song. Good album overall.
OMC fans, unite? Yeah, its pretty fucking awesome. I have yet to check out much of Vermin yet, so perhaps more awesomeness awaits.

But this band isn't very popular at all. Surprisingly, not with the Dimmu fans, and unsurprisingly, not with the other Black Metal fans either.
I can't help but notice, though, that Dimmu's ongoing period of utter mediocrity in songwriting began when Galder joined them.

Well...I like Galder but previously they had Astennu who is a brilliant guitarist and neither Silenoz or Galder is as good as he was. In anycase I liked PEM and DCA anyways.
I really like In Defiance of Existence and Vermin and Galder is excellent on these. I hear Dimmu Borgir and think they suck besides some songs and wonder why Galder says his main focus is writing with Dimmu Borgir. I want to hear the follow up to Vermin not a Dimmu Borgir album.
Old mans older albums were good, I just think the recent ones seemed rushed, seems they are only 75% complete when released. In other words they could of been better albums if more work went into them. Galder really needs to up his chops if he wants to impress, his ideas and DImmus in general are getting quite repetitive in nature and similar in structure.
The 'kvlt' brigade wouldn't approve of OMC.

But yeah, I love it. Though my favorite OMC album is 'Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion'. OMC > Dimmu.