Old School Bands to check out...


Has anyone here heard Mercenary?
What a fabulous bands! They are on Century Media & they use classic thrash metal, black metal influences...
Also thanks to JD, Tage Mahal by Jon Oliva's Pain!
What a band! That Fatboy delivered the goods on that one.
I don't know if anyone here has ever heard Turbonegro?
Do. They Rock!
Also I can't say enough about The Hellacopters, Backyard Babies(Thanks Greeno) & The Wildhearts(Thanks Again Greeno!). These bands have given me new hope in the current rock scene!!!!
I have heard Mercenery! Still getting into them though hahaha I still have many cds I am Digesting at the moment! ... I'm Glad you dig J.O.P. Buddy! I love that record! as far as I'm concerned Jon Oliva could Shit on cd and somehow it would sound Beautiful and Epic! :loco:
Yep, Tage Mahal is great! Can't wait to see JO's Pain live in May !
Other these-days-but-oldschool bands I can recommend are Overlorde, 7 Witches and for who is way behind and hasn't heard them; Masterplan & Wolf....
Mercenary is a good band indeed, saw them live with Evergrey and they impressed me. Great vocalist they have!!
sixxswine said:
Also I can't say enough about The Hellacopters, Backyard Babies(Thanks Greeno) & The Wildhearts(Thanks Again Greeno!). These bands have given me new hope in the current rock scene!!!!

3 of the best rock bands around these days... in my opinion anyway. Glad you dug them Sixx.