Old school Chatters thread

everything is going the wrong way fast
friday was full of stress, smoked like 30 grams of tobacco in 4 hours cuz Cato didn't get home that night and I was worried sick. Searched half turnhout before getting a phone call to come to her house from a friend of hers cuz everybody was waiting for the cops to show up there so I ran there and as I came in her street she was just on the way home. Damn I was so relieved I saw her and everybody at her house. She arrived just as the cops arrived too but she didn't seem to know what was going on, she had no idea what she had done. She fell asleep at some guys house and nothing happened but I know this guy has a rather bad history so yesterday I paid him a little visit...
anyway: I haven't had a good sleep since that friday and now it's like half past 3 in the morning and I feel like I'm not gonna get much sleep today either cuz I feel like shit