Old School or New Death Metal?

old school, new school, both or neither?

  • Old school

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • New stuff

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • like it all

    Votes: 28 57.1%
  • i dont listen to DM i listen to METALCORE

    Votes: 7 14.3%

  • Total voters
I dig it all, though there are shit bands in all styles of metal, and there are DEFINITELY shit bands in both old and new school death metal. Some of the newer stuff seems to be just a bit overkill on the tech aspect (like Braindrill, who I really have to be in the mood for to enjoy), though bands like Decrepit Birth find a balance pretty well on the Diminishing album. Suffocation seems to find a good balance, as does Dying Fetus, between tech and groove.
dude with that statement i bet you tour everywhere

and your band is...?

The difficulty here is not the complexity of the music, if not the people who create them.

Am dying to see you playing with your own band, so lets see what YOU have to offer.
Lots of artists have taken relatively simple "raw materials" and built complex music out of it. Take something like Slayer's South of Heaven, a true masterpiece of creative economy. There's nothing technical about it. It doesn't hit you with an ever changing riff salad. There are no unusual instruments, not even an acoustic passage. Nonetheless, the band builds songs of great interior complexity and ties the entire album together through the relatively simple device of reusing melodic fragments in variation (not unlike the classical notion of the 'motif'). That's what is missing from Bloodbath: the strategic vision to tie all those little tactical bits together into something more complex than dumb rock music that sounds like "old school" death metal.

Dude, 3 men having sex with a camel in your room while you sleep couldn't be more wrong than you.