Old School/Retro/Modern - Boss HM-2


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
So this is my band called Horrendous. We're a three piece band and I play guitar and do most of the vocals (also play bass on the recordings). We play death metal in the old school style - think Entombed, Dismember, Grave, etc... and I try to emulate this somewhat in the production as well.

I've posted clips before but that was back last May when we were recording 5 tracks for an EP. Now we're turning that EP into a full length and we've written 3 more songs. These were all recorded in my home studio and I'm doing all the mixing and mastering.

I thought I'd get some opinions on my latest mix:

What do you think? Any comments? Questions? Feel free to ask anything

Snare and Kick are Slate samples. Guitar is a Boss HM-2 into a 5150.
Cool song and cool production too. You might want to make the drums sound a little more dirty and a little less crisp, by maybe putting in a bit more room sound or something...I'm not too sure. It sounds great but it could be a little more messy sounding and still sound kickass maybe.

Good job though man. Better than I could do so I don't know what I'm going on about. :lol:
Drums sound great. Guitar sound takes getting used to but grows on you. Definitely "raw" with some serious diode clipping going on. The Lexicon verb on the snare is very authentic sounding. Great writing, honestly I think this mix is perfect for the vibe you're going for.

If I have any main suggestion, I could maybe live with a bit more meat in the guitar sound, or more grind to the bass, to fill in the low mids a bit somewhere.
HM-2 always gives me a big smile especially if it's used in a nice song like this :D

Still I'd try to saturate & scoop the guitars just abit more to see if they would then match these drums better,
or perhaps try a different (bigger/dirtier/roomier) snare to fit these middy guitars better.
On the other hand, just lowering the vol. of the guitars abit might do the trick.

The mix sounds good here and all changes suggested are just a matter of different tastes in sounds,
so in the end you should keep the settings that pleases you the most, but please do experiment my friend :)