old school style death metal mix.

I wouldnt hard pan the vocals like that, but I guess you're doing it for effect in selected parts...but it is weird you have it on one part and not any others.

Vocals seem a bit loud, under-compressed and too dry for the style. Guitars are kind of spongy sounding and lack dynamics/punch in the tone. Some of the stop/start parts are sloppy as well. The bass sound is very tinny (i guess that's the word) and it competes with the guitars too much imo. The snare seems a bit dry too, especially on the slower parts, and there's not much power to it to begin with.
Nice track. With a bit better production could be killer!! But it sounds right at now.
Remains me a bit to paganizer/ribspreader :headbang:
thanks. i remember those rockmasters. used to have one and it sounded great. that was a long time ago. id love to hear one again.
I'm giving a listen again. Every time I listen, the more I like it. Really old school way. What did you do for drums? Drum machine hardware? which one? (or an old roland electronic drum?) I like it too.