Prog Metal mix, (Need advice before deadline)

really nice mix, i really like it, also diggin the song ;)
i don't know anything too dramatic to change about it..
Thanks a lot for the input man.
There were a couple things i as kinda idk on.
i mean i like it but i feel there might be a couple things i am missing.

if anyone else has any thoughts, please share.
Nice dude nice, Pod Farm is driving me crazy I cant get that incessant scratchiness out no matter what i try, lol.
Sounds awesome to me, dude! Feels very within-the-ruins-y. Any info on your drum processing?

Thanks a lot man.
Dude my drums are super super simple haha.
snare 11.
kick 10
Z toms

Joey asking cymbal pack.

1 for body other full on reverb.
the drums were all sent to a buss with a limiter and loads of verb.

and the rest was just adjusting levels and the mastering bus.
The toms had a gate a little EQ verb and that was a bout it.

I tend to get a little reverb crazy on my drums but i like it honestly.
Nice dude nice, Pod Farm is driving me crazy I cant get that incessant scratchiness out no matter what i try, lol.

i honestly had a never ending battle with pod farm and that exact same thing.

I'm just now getting a grasp and i have learned to just make the guitarist track %100 perfect, or at least damn close, i also let everyone use my EC 1000 which i feel helps out because most bands i track do not have the best gear in the world.

I mean possibly whenever i get free time i could post you guys the patch i used.
im not a dick about giving it our really its nothing more than a information bank at least that's how i see it.
Yea dude that patch would be greatly appreciated, I have an ENGL Blackmore just going to waste because I have nowhere I can crank it. so dealing with Pod Farm gets pretty frustrating cause I know I could be getting some sweet tones, lol. But I know it takes time I'm still new to recording in general.
I fully feel you, honestly i just over booked band for this past 2 months so i have been having to pod farm it up, so i have not been doing much with my 5150 sadly, it just takes to much time to pull it out mic it up, get the perfect sound i want, im pretty excited for July im recording a label band and we are going to be doing live amps and live drums so im pumped for it, will be a nice change of pace.
it just takes to much time to pull it out mic it up, get the perfect sound i want

It's nerve-wracking when you're on a tight schedule, and when half of metal bands these days want that pod farm 'boogie sound.
haha yeah man, i normally just always do a 5150 reamp no matter what, that's just my style really but its whatever i guess, i do not think this bands stuff sounds to bad with the pod sound, other bands tho i just do not find fitting.