oceano ish( NEED advice before deadline )

i'd bring down the guitars a bit, let the drums be a bit more prominent..

the guitar tone is a bit dark for me, but then again, i say that about almost every guitar tone i hear.. aha.

vocals are overcompressed and a little too loud. try compressing to a certain stage, then limiting to make them cut through.
bring the guitars down and perhaps the snare up just a tad so it doesn't sound buried. maybe raise some 60hz on the bass to let people know it's there.
but I just woke up from my afternoon nap, so I'm a bit cranky. haha. it's a great mix, don't think otherwise, I'm just trying to help :)
thanks man, yeah i might get the bass to come through just a little more, there kind of wanting a oceano depths sound and to me that album is not to bass crazy, so im kinda just trying to keep it enough to thicken up the guitars just enough, ill probably boost a little lows and bring it up just a hair, i don't want to do to much to it.

i think the tone i got with the 5150 is rather fitting for the sound they are wanting.

I actually changed the snare with slate 12a blended with another snare since i posted this, and i really like the snare in the mix way way more now, lot more crack and cut through a lot better.
I could have sworn you said you used podfarm for this in another thread. Have you since reamped or is the chain you speak of all in podfarm? I love the tone BTW!
in this post it was 5150.

dude im still not sure what im using on there album.
Like im kinda bouncing between pod farm and 5150
this mix it old btw.

we have recorded vocals and guitar since this mix.

Whenever i get the album fully done ill post a song or 2 of the finished tracks.
My deadline is the 20th of this month and its coming along pretty good.

but i promise you it sounds way better than it does in this mix.
I'd say the guitars just a tad too loud. bring them all down a bit.
they need to fuse with the drums a little more so that everything doesn't sound so separated.
perhaps that's all you need to do so that the bass is heard.

I'd also tighten up some of editing in the vocals.
if you get too record him again, tell him not to scream like he has a dick in his mouth. it sounds like he's trying too hard.
I'd say the guitars just a tad too loud. bring them all down a bit.
they need to fuse with the drums a little more so that everything doesn't sound so separated.
perhaps that's all you need to do so that the bass is heard.

I'd also tighten up some of editing in the vocals.
if you get too record him again, tell him not to scream like he has a dick in his mouth. it sounds like he's trying too hard.

man like i said this is a old post, the mix really sounds nothing like this, ill post a update when im finished with the album,

ill repost this track and 2 others. thanks.