Teaser of my bands new album coming out early 2012(melodic hardcore)

AGHHHHH haha hateee BMTH :p

but yeah, honestly like i said in the past i just wanted people to check it out as is, because the final mix is going to be all 5150, drums are going to change everything, this was just a rough mix that i did 15 mins after tracking.

idk why everyone had to flip fucking shit like a little girl over it.
its called a teaser for a reason, it was to show off part of a song not the final mix lol.

but thanks for not being a DB Man, glade you liked it. :]

BMTH mostly because of the vocalist dude. :D
Öwen;10047361 said:
Oh I read your reply, I just failed to see why you even bothered posting in the first place if you were just after some universal nuthuggery and not actually listen to anyone in topic.

Do feel free to carry on though you rotund fecal construct.

Honestly how can you take yourself seriously if you want people to comment on a mix of yours in 128Kbs?
Fair enough, i get it is only the roughest of demo's but, 128Kbs? it would have taken the same time and about 5mbs more to just mixdown at 320Kbs.. you understand that yes?
Why cut unnecessary corners.:wave:

Honestly how can you take yourself seriously if you want people to comment on a mix of yours in 128Kbs?
Fair enough, i get it is only the roughest of demo's but, 128Kbs? it would have taken the same time and about 5mbs more to just mixdown at 320Kbs.. you understand that yes?
Why cut unnecessary corners.:wave:

i thought this thread was dead?
why pull something up from months ago?

everything you just said was what 8484848 other people said.

i re downloaded STSC

i did not realize the settings from before did not carry over.
end of story that would explain why all my recent posts are not in 128.

(BTW nice mix's man) rofls.