Teaser of my bands new album coming out early 2012(melodic hardcore)

Instead of being a stubborn bitch just try it.

what part of i already have did you not understand, i exported this as a wav at the high bit possible. IT SOUNDS THE FUCKING EXACT SAME.

im not uploading a huge as file to dropbox just to prove a point on something thats a sample and a 15 min mix.

i just found this mix you did

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13361701/song idea1.mp3

honestly if that's a high bitrate ill stay where im at now.
thanks for calling me a bitch man.

all i was saying was i really do not care how high quality a teaser for a 15 min mix is, when non of that's going to be sounding like that in the end, i just posted it for people to check the clip of the song, and listen to it as is before the finals. then i was going to post the finals when i get the reamps done and have time to mix my own bands stuff.

i am working on 2 full lengths as is right now, and 3 EP's i really do not feel like wasting time just for some online drama on a teaser.

sorry if that was harsh but its honest.

i normally do not get like that, but your reply really pissed me off.
nice teaser. i like your band. stoked to listen to the full songs.
and yes, that song is def at 128 kbps. try to export it at 320 kbps.;)
guys, you need to take the cotton out of your ears if you can't hear the difference on studio monitors or headphones between a lower bitrate mp3 and the original source.. :lol:
i honestly hope this is one huge ass troll because i just did it and ........ well no different what so ever. that or its one big placebo effect.

im not even wasting my time to upload it.
Lol @ OP, how can you do a mix like that and then not even hear the digital artifacts all over the place in that song.

Even a properly encoded 128kbs doesnt sound as bad as that - that sounds 96kbs or less.

Calling troll thread.
difference between 128 and 320 bitrate is quite noticeable. perhaps it´s not in your speakers but in different systems could exist differences, for example, an ipod.
256 or 320 will take the same time as exporting to 128.hehe
Sorry mate but if you cant here the difference between 128 and higher (say 320) then you shouldnt be in the AE game. As there is a big difference. Specially with higher sounds like cymbals.
it would be kind of fun to do a blind test...i honestly think it sounds legit the way it is but now it's got me curious, haha.

Let's see some badges!! I got 14 out of 20 but it's a pain in the ass trying to make heads or tails of these clips. The difference is incredibly subtle...


haha this thread i am now going to just take as a joke.

like thrice said. the difference is so fucking little idk why you would even nitpick about it. for example if there was a super bad ass mix and it was in a low bitrate, the mix would still sounds badass.

this is a dumb thing to bitch about.

deff when i already stated that this is fucking teaser, and it was mixed in 15 mins, just for you guys when i export the full album ill have it up higher. that way you can all hear the massssssive difference that it makes.

some people clearly just like to argue and bitch about anything and everything and its fucking annoying.
So Chris wants critique, and everyone jumps on his balls about 128 kbps and artifacting? It seems like half the people who replied didn't even bother to listen. Many people here (myself included) upload 128k samples with no fuss. If you listen really hard on some good monitors, yeah, you might hear something way in the highs, but it's not like it's fucking unlistenable or destroyed by artifacting or whatever.
Is there like 3 duplicate accounts here or something, I'm having a hard time believing anyone on this forum could be quite this deaf.

So Chris wants critique, and everyone jumps on his balls about 128 kbps and artifacting? It seems like half the people who replied didn't even bother to listen. Many people here (myself included) upload 128k samples with no fuss. If you listen really hard on some good monitors, yeah, you might hear something way in the highs, but it's not like it's fucking unlistenable or destroyed by artifacting or whatever.

Seems like you didn't bother to listen bro, if you can't hear the digital smearing you certainly didn't. I listened on headphones and it was as clear as day.

Should be a simple thing to get the damn format right so that it doesn't get in the way of your work at least. As for the OP himself, he seems mildly retarded because he asks for criticism then has a disclaimer half way through the thread saying criticism doesn't matter to him anyway and he's too lazy to even try fix the problem.

Enough nuthugging, use the ears. :lol:
Öwen;10047340 said:
Is there like 3 duplicate accounts here or something, I'm having a hard time believing anyone on this forum could be quite this deaf.

Seems like you didn't bother to listen bro, if you can't hear the digital smearing you certainly didn't. I listened on headphones and it was as clear as day.

Should be a simple thing to get the damn format right so that it doesn't get in the way of your work at least. As for the OP himself, he seems mildly retarded because he asks for criticism then has a disclaimer half way through the thread saying criticism doesn't matter to him anyway and he's too lazy to even try fix the problem.

Enough nuthugging, use the ears. :lol:

Clearly you did not read my reply piece of shit!
im not worried about fixing a teaser of a album, if this as a final mix i might care, but its not even close to finished.

and by me asking for criticism, it was on the teaser as is.
if you think there is a bit issue here that's cool.

But you can look past that and at least here what the mix sounds like, its not that fucking bad.
Oh I read your reply, I just failed to see why you even bothered posting in the first place if you were just after some universal nuthuggery and not actually listen to anyone in topic.

Do feel free to carry on though you rotund fecal construct.
Öwen;10047361 said:
Oh I read your reply, I just failed to see why you even bothered posting in the first place if you were just after some universal nuthuggery and not actually listen to anyone in topic.

Do feel free to carry on though you rotund fecal construct.

hah i tried to dropping the convo at least 3 times.
but still it kept going.
Öwen;10047340 said:
Is there like 3 duplicate accounts here or something, I'm having a hard time believing anyone on this forum could be quite this deaf.

Seems like you didn't bother to listen bro, if you can't hear the digital smearing you certainly didn't. I listened on headphones and it was as clear as day.

Should be a simple thing to get the damn format right so that it doesn't get in the way of your work at least. As for the OP himself, he seems mildly retarded because he asks for criticism then has a disclaimer half way through the thread saying criticism doesn't matter to him anyway and he's too lazy to even try fix the problem.

Enough nuthugging, use the ears. :lol:

Really man? REALLY? just stop trolling. Nothing you've said has been helpful at all.
yea chris, i cant even listen to mixes in 128 bit kpbs anymore. what is fucking wrong with you? you must be becoming autistic or something. i dont even know of a single person who mixes down in 128 on purpose. get your shit together man. ridiculous