Teaser of my bands new album coming out early 2012(melodic hardcore)

Here's a tip: Up the levels on the rhythm guitars and pan them further apart.

haha thats funny since they are hard left and right.
i do not think they can go further apart when they are %100 left and %100 right.

im honestly starting to think non of you have even listened to this after that last comment you made, or your just making this into a game.

dude im not dumb i have been doing this for awhile.
only thing centered in that is the lead.

also you mean to tell me you know people that do not pan there guitar hard left and right? haha
that was really random, im not making fun of you, im just asking
haha thats funny since they are hard left and right.

dude im not dumb i have been doing this for awhile.

only thing centered in that is the lead.

also you mean to tell me you know people that do not pan there guitar hard left and right? haha

that was really random, im not making fun of you, im just asking.

some people only pan like 60 - 70. i usually pan 90 to 100. it just doesnt sound like it in your mix. they sound dead center almost. (well maybe not that close)

turn em up though definitely.
some people only pan like 60 - 70. i usually pan 90 to 100. it just doesnt sound like it in your mix. they sound dead center almost. (well maybe not that close)

turn em up though definitely.

i would never pan rhythms anything other than 100.

the only thing that might give that vibe is its track and edit to be 100% perfect so i can see how the left side match's right with the right, but our guitarist plays very tight.

idk if maybe you are hearing the grit track from the bass coming through, all the 3 bass tracks are dead centered tho.
i cant believe this guy.. the joey sturgis forum is that way -------->

dont let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out
i cant believe this guy.. the joey sturgis forum is that way -------->

dont let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out

i hope you are not talking about me?

anyone that knows me would tell you how much i dislike sturgis productions.

there good.
but its sure as hell not what im into at all.

idk why everyone is being such pieces of shit about this.
if all your going to do is say negative shit, then don't bother commenting.
grow up.
I don't really give a FUCK if it's 128k i can still give my thoughts, jesus. You can tell, but it's not like someone is shooting acid on yer face whilst listening.

- I think it's a bit clouded (not in a way that would be fatal to the mix just to my taste)
- kick is a bit loud and filmy.
- OH's could be 2db louder. (This is something the bitrate could affect so take a note on it)

Good stuff, reminds me a lot of BMTH
I don't really give a FUCK if it's 128k i can still give my thoughts, jesus. You can tell, but it's not like someone is shooting acid on yer face whilst listening.

- I think it's a bit clouded (not in a way that would be fatal to the mix just to my taste)
- kick is a bit loud and filmy.
- OH's could be 2db louder. (This is something the bitrate could affect so take a note on it)

Good stuff, reminds me a lot of BMTH

AGHHHHH haha hateee BMTH :p

but yeah, honestly like i said in the past i just wanted people to check it out as is, because the final mix is going to be all 5150, drums are going to change everything, this was just a rough mix that i did 15 mins after tracking.

idk why everyone had to flip fucking shit like a little girl over it.
its called a teaser for a reason, it was to show off part of a song not the final mix lol.

but thanks for not being a DB Man, glade you liked it. :]
Why post a higher quality version? Because this forum is full of audiophiles or at least people who care about the quality of music production. I don't understand why you don't just post a higher quality version - it takes less than a minute...
Reminds me a lot of heart in hand (UK). Not bad stuff on the song front, but if i were you i would be treading carefully in regard of your credibility.
Nobody is gonna want to work with you if you are too lazy to reupload a decent quality "teaser" (which in my experience has always been something to really hit home the quality of the artist & the production in the smallest amount of time).

From where i am sitting, the highs are misty and swamp out all midrange, giving the whole mix a lack of clarity. I understand its a 15 min mix, and you will probably call me a "douchebag" or a "peice of shit" for being honest with you, but you should take more time and care over these things if you want to make an impact with your music (which is ultimately why you uploaded the thing in the first place).

Ols :)
Haha, damn dude this went downhill fast I can't believe some people are giving you this much shit. I mean for the love of tits how do they know the mp3 quality is the problem they havent even heard the original source...if it's just a quick mix theres obviously gonna be issues on all fronts...
Reminds me a lot of heart in hand (UK). Not bad stuff on the song front, but if i were you i would be treading carefully in regard of your credibility.
Nobody is gonna want to work with you if you are too lazy to reupload a decent quality "teaser" (which in my experience has always been something to really hit home the quality of the artist & the production in the smallest amount of time).

From where i am sitting, the highs are misty and swamp out all midrange, giving the whole mix a lack of clarity. I understand its a 15 min mix, and you will probably call me a "douchebag" or a "peice of shit" for being honest with you, but you should take more time and care over these things if you want to make an impact with your music (which is ultimately why you uploaded the thing in the first place).

Ols :)

haha dude i posted this as a teaser of the song, i wasn't to worried how it sounded since nothing is going to be mixed like that, there was no point in uploading a high quality one when we already released it like that.

what so you can point out all the stuff i already realize about this mix?

No im not going to call you a "Douchebag" or " a piece of shit".

you didnt call me a fucking bitch like the other dude?

im not going to let someone talk to me like that when they do not even fucking know me, have respect.

this should have never been cared on this far, its just ridicules.

i already stated when i have the final mix ill upload it ( In i high bitrate for all of you)

like i said before this is my own band, if it was someone paying me that's different, honestly i just started using a new converter to convert my WAV's.

i guess i just never realized that's what the settings where on so there for i am superrrr sorrry to kill everyone's ears :p rofl

when you are recording 2 bands in 1 week
and mixing a full length taking the time to re export stuff just for a teaser seems a little dumb to me, sorry but it does, im with a band right now, only reason i got on here is because we took a break for dinner and such.

everyone needs to chill about this.
its dumb.

Sorry if i pissed anyone off.
but i was getting pissed myself.

(sorry if i put clients before my own bands) my bands is not the most important thing in my life, im not getting a steady income from my own band.
i try to not be on my laptop the whole time when im recording bands.
btw folks, hes mixing in cubase and you cant export to mp3 in cubase

I can export to mp3 in cubase

but yeah, honestly like i said in the past i just wanted people to check it out as is, because the final mix is going to be all 5150, drums are going to change everything, this was just a rough mix that i did 15 mins after tracking.

why are you posting it then?
Usueless to comment about the mix in this case...

I can't tell a lot about the music from the short teaser, but what I hear is quite cool...reminds me a of Olli's (Emdproduct) Band "And then they run"

if all your going to do is say negative shit, then don't bother commenting.
grow up.

You have to grow up if you can't take (constructive) criticism, even if it is negative.
Non constructive stuff is another thing tho.

I think one gotta be trolling about the 128kb mp3 thing.
I could allready tell the difference with my first mp3 player (early teens).
Altho maybe the encoders were shittier back then and 128kb sucked even more.
I can export to mp3 in cubase

why are you posting it then?
Usueless to comment about the mix in this case...

I can't tell a lot about the music from the short teaser, but what I hear is quite cool...reminds me a of Olli's (Emdproduct) Band "And then they run"

You have to grow up if you can't take (constructive) criticism, even if it is negative.
Non constructive stuff is another thing tho.

I think one gotta be trolling about the 128kb mp3 thing.
I could allready tell the difference with my first mp3 player (early teens).
Altho maybe the encoders were shittier back then and 128kb sucked even more.

mixed in 15 mins.
i just posted it for the hell of it.

never before have i got negativity this bad about anything i posted.
which there for im glade its on somethings not finished.

I wouldn't mine to hear negative stuff if it was finished because then i would want everything pointed out.

but it was a 15 min mix right after tracking it. finished at 4AM its and its out of a 4min song.

haha ill post it and you can tear it apart as much as you want.

and by negative i wasn't meaning about the bitrate

more about calling me a bitch and a joeysturgis fan.

sadly the joey sturgis fan thing pissed me off more than anything tho.
(no offense if you like his work)
i just posted it for the hell of it.

So you shouldnt be surprised about people posting & commenting"for the hell of it"

and by negative i wasn't meaning about the bitrate

more about calling me a bitch and a joeysturgis fan.

sadly the joey sturgis fan thing pissed me off more than anything tho.
(no offense if you like his work)

I think the Joe Sturgis comment was more pointed towards you acting like a little kid (bwahhhh ya'll hating on ma stuff), therefore you'd belong to the sturgisforum where the kids hang (that is the way I interpret it at least, not my opinion mind).
Doensn't have much to do with Joe's work I think.