Drop G heavy djent.(Forms)

yes. they recorded one song with joshua.;)
i really like this band and this new mix is really great ChristopherJames99.
some info about kick?

Thanks man glade you like the mix.
Ummmm ill PM you about the kick whenever i get a chance to open up cubase im not over there right now so i cant look.
yeah dude no problem, all the guitars in this clip are pod farm.
the leads are the exact same patch and chain as my rythems only i have loads of delay on them, and im also running the ambiance VST and they have tons of verb.

i used the preset paper longverb, (pretty sure that's what its called)

Then i just tweaked the amount of verb that i have on them, for this bands stuff i felt the leads sounded really good with tons of delay and verb so that's what i was going for.

and my settings on delay is the mono delay in cubase.

all i did was switch it to 1/4 then i added 42% on the mix. very simple.
yeah dude like i said whenever i get back over there to look at my chains ill for sure give you guys all the info, im not a hard ass on sharing stuff with others :p
Thanks man glade you like the mix.
Ummmm ill PM you about the kick whenever i get a chance to open up cubase im not over there right now so i cant look.

thanks man, stoked to read that PM.
and, could you tell what did you use in pod farm this time? i have some curiosity to know it, because those guitars sound really great.:)
thanks man, stoked to read that PM.
and, could you tell what did you use in pod farm this time? i have some curiosity to know it, because those guitars sound really great.:)

haha thanks man, but honestly i have not changed my pod farm patch in sooooo long, its the same as the last time i sent you a PM.

its just all in the players hand.
yeah you know what i fully agree with you! haha but when make it that way it really cuts weird in the mix, i mean its honestly grindy as hell if you hear it out of the mix, its just when i have it cutting through like that it sounds really weird.

idk if it might have to do with the bass used.
It was just a mid class P bass.

nothing great but not awful.

luckly im getting 2 new basses here at my studio thank god so i wont have to run into problems like that.
Sounds sick!! But I wouldn't master this intro THAT loud, cause the real drop sounds kinda quiet against it.


You're the king of tones Chris, but you gotta start looking at songs in their whole. Like, where is the power? Is this part a bit too monotonous? Does this need something extra? Where is the focus in this part? 'Cause you really gotta help people steer their ears, like if there is a phrase somewhere that is important to the song you'd want it to pop so it sticks to peoples heads. It's the same as in the movies with camera angles and so on. I know you don't use much automation, but you really gotta start doing that to take this shit to the next level, adding some life and all that jazz. No audio engineer will make it in this business unless he learns the producer aspect of things aswell. Getting the tones right is only a third of this job, and you certainly got that part down! Keep at it.
haha dude i fully agree, but this mix is not done yet broo lol.

we are going over all the production stuff after we track vocals, they have a hugee huggge list of stuff for every song that they are wanting so ill hit you up with that when we do it! :)