Old school Tape, Modern Metal?

Kaleb Formz

Aug 27, 2013
So with Abbey road and waves coming out with the J37 it got me curious. I think Kramer tape is pretty good but it's not the beast UAD's Studer is, I got pretty happy when I saw this cause I felt like waves was lacking in the tape department UAD, Slate, U-he etc. all have top level tape plug's but i'm a big waves user so Idk i just liked that with abbey road (despite the plugin discontinue baloney) their plugs were top grade so i really got excited with this one.

Anyways on gearslutz I came across a comment about how this person prefers a more modern tape sat anyways. I'm wondering would the J37 be a good investment for metal music? I'm not asking for a "NO shit sucks" I mean if it's accurate is it a compliment for modern day metal?

Thanks Guys:wave:
I say get the demo throw it on a song and post it here and we can discuss it.

Hey thanks for the response Via, I would but I'm interning far from home to say the least. The only Time I get to properly demo anything is when my bro stops by every other month with his mobile studio. :Smug:

Till then Just trying to soak up as much info/Suggestions as possible
I dunno, but I use the TB Reelbus all over the place and it sounds pretty damn good, especially considering the price. The tape models on it are mostly a bit "dirty" too. I'm not doing the cleanest metal stuff though, and my sound ideal is more in the vein of Kurt Ballou etc.
Really depends on the vibe you're going for IMO. Want something kinda squishy and ballsy a la Fredman, Tue Madsen, Putney? It'll probably work out great. Going for a more clinically tight, super clear mix a la Richardson, Suecof, etc? Probably will hurt more than it helps.

If you can afford some smearing in the low end and a softening of transients then it'll work out great.
Really depends on the vibe you're going for IMO. Want something kinda squishy and ballsy a la Fredman, Tue Madsen, Putney? It'll probably work out great. Going for a more clinically tight, super clear mix a la Richardson, Suecof, etc? Probably will hurt more than it helps.

If you can afford some smearing in the low end and a softening of transients then it'll work out great.

Thanks! Great response really helped!! :D

man it's hard Suecof has some good shit but I think i'm done with the clinically tight clean BOA kind of sounding mixes. Ballsy for sure Thanks Jeff!! Much Appreciated
TBH, when it comes to modern metal stuff, I don't tend to use a whole lot of saturation stuff as I find it just murks up the bottom end I've spent so long trying to clean up!