Another Compressor...?

Kaleb Formz

Aug 27, 2013
So right now I have 5 comps outside of UAD GSSL Buss comp.

LA-2A I use for some vocals, some acoustics
1176 I use for pretty much everything. On almost all the drums, for bass, for vocals.
LA-3A (Actually from waves) it's my favorite comp for acoustics, some vocals.
UAD SSL comp included in the channel strip which i use on a lot as well anything that doesn't need a specific feel of a 3a or 76 the SSL comp just works especially if i'm already using the EQ it glues/Feels better.
And Waves Rcomp. I really (randomly) love this Comp It's gritty vintage dark feel works on a lot of sources for me. I pretty much have it glued to my drum room. It gives this grit to the cymbal pump without having to comp the cymbals.

Anyways I feel like I don't need any other comps for anything. HOWEVER
Yesterday I tried softubes CL1B and I really liked it. I was using it on an acoustic session which I don't record often but i feel like it was really up to par with UAD quality which i'm a proponent of. I feel like it's quality is top notch. and I love the sound it helps produce but I don't really have a need for it for anything apart for some acoustic sources and certain vocals. I don't really ever get G.A.S but on this I am. So poses the question.

Would I be dumb to buy it?
Do any of you use it or the actual hardware for any metal source material?

Thanks again. :p
I don't think you can have too many compressors dude, they all have their own flavours and they are the tools of your trade!

Besides it sounds like you've talked yourself into it anyway, you have no choice now but to bow down to the ever present GAS.
Lol I know I just feel like the compressors I have all have their specific "roles" and it's worked so well for so long. I just don't know what I would use it on. It doesn't really work well for me on a lot of sources but the sound is great! It's like playing with a ten thousand dollar Banjo. It's so sick the quality, everything but it doesn't really fit here for me. I just know especially in the software domain I'm a stickler for quality and I'm still loving the CL1B these dues at softube are the real deal. But in a typical session (metal/Core) I didn't find a place/need for it. But on an acoustic project (which I do like to ply around with at times) It shined! and on Hiphop/rap vocals which a rarely ever do it sounds sick. IDK maybe ill just get it.? I don't want to part ways with it Lol.

{First world ITB problems}
the tube tech is a great great great comp!!!!! i wish i could afford the hardware.
I slamed on some drums the other day. didnt touch the settings, just adjust the thresh and make up and Bam! instant slapping gratification.
it is becoming my go to comp .... and i have hardware 1176 and la2a!!!

Jesus Christ you're right! I never thought of it like That :hypno:.. Distressor... Dis..tress..OR. your one word-no explanation on a very articulate post which goes into specific detail about which compressor and it's function to taste and feel just.. explains it! Lol just joking but really i've always wondered why people use distressors, how come? whats the difference?
the distressor does great with a lot of sources... Bass, vocals, snares, toms, keys... It has three 'tone' (distortion) flavours, and its able to behave like other compressors as well. Actually, IMO, no other compressor can get that metal bass tone and control. You can achive -20db with it without sounding bad.

And the price tag is really good =)