bought Cubase4 and MH-CS, need good 2bus comp


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I just bought Cubase 4 and MEtric Halo channelstrip!
finally I converted to Mac and am looking forward to mix the first projects on C4.

all that I'm lacking is a good 2bus comp like the waves SSL one, I just don't wanna spend that much money for a software-comp, so is there any good but cheaper alternative for a good 2bud compressor?

Andy said the channelstrip has good a SSL-vibe to it, perhaps even that comp?

thanks for your help
Not Mac-compatible :(.
WOOF, my bad. In that case Sonalksis is really good but kinda pricy, probably not what he's looking for. And I still haven't tried their multiband. But I've been researching plugins lately so I'd say look into Wavearts and Universal Audio.
I'm not only a cubase-user but a cubase-facist!! ;)

thanks for your hints I think I'm gonna go with the UAD.

I got the competetive upgrade and gave'em one of my slowtools-discs (still have some PT and Logic6 inst. discs etc from the college where I used to teach at, so IF someday a major brain-injury should force me to use PT I'm still ready to go).
that way I only paid like 398 for C4.
MH-channelstrip vst is only about 280 (for PT twice as much ;) ).

thanks for your help.
You said a good comp for 2buss applications, and I would have to say the Sonalksis SV-315 is your best bet.

Definitely one of (if not THE) best software compressors I have used for the 2-buss, among other things. It's also killer on vocals.

It's a bit on the transparent side, but it has plenty of options to impart a little color if you so desire.