Comp Shootout. Drumbus. Hardware, Software--CLIPS


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
k guys, I'm just playing around with some compressors on the drumbus atm.
It's not metaldrums but alt-rock/whatever....

the settings are: attack: 10ms release: 100ms (on some of the comps a bit hard to dial in cause there are no clear values, so don't take these values for gospel.

gain reduction is about 2dB peak (again, a rough number...the LA for example shows about .5dB but has like 2 in reality...slower needle ;)

the Compressors are (no particular order):

Smart Research C2, Stereo
Smart Research C2,stereo-Crush
Smart Research C2, Dual Mono
Waves API2500, FB (old)
Waves API2500, ffwd (new)
LA Audio Classic CompressorII
Metric Halo Channelstrip, Smooth

I know, with these not very drastic settings the differences are small, but I think they can be heard on good speakers.
I chose these settings cause they are similar to what the compressor would do on my drumbus in a real mix.

All the files are 24/44.1 sorry for the size, but this is about dynamics and high-end, I didn't wanna reduce the quality just to make the files smaller. (it's only a short clip though)

No Compressor








ATTENTION: they are not all the same volume, try to match loudness before making your judgement

only for the HArdware: D/A was RME ADI-8 A/D is Apogee Rosetta

feel free to grab the file with no comp and post files of your compressors
the kick drum sounds nice. any details on the recording?

Yamaha Recording Custom miced with a single D6 pretty much in the middle of the drum going into the Safe Sound Audio P1

no EQ, no Comp, no Gate, nothing on it whatsoever.

there is a Slate-sample blended in though (I think Kick10 Z1) to get the really low end and the smack.

is sample 5 the MH Channel Strip?


since nobody actually wants to guess I'll just post the results before I'm forgetting them myself:

1: API-Old (fback)
3:API-New (ffwd)
4:LA Audio (really liing this one!)
6:C2-Stereo, Crush
7:C2- Dual Mono