old school Thrash blind test


Child of the Damned
Jan 25, 2002
Here's a thrashin' blind test I prepared for some friends, so maybe you're also interested in playing? ;)

There are 20 (old school) thrash songs that you have to guess in the ZIP file below, don't worry there aren't any unknown bands or very obscure songs, even if it may be a bit difficult for some of them.
Unfortunately there's nothing to win, apart from seeing your nickname at the top of the winners list heh. That's just for fun!

Wanna play?

1/ Download this ZIP file (15 Mo) : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/fangface/Thrash.zip
2/ Grab a beer, listen to the 20 sound samples and bang your head
3/ Send me your answers by PRIVATE MESSAGE .
Do not write your answers in this thread please! Thanks.

I'll put the UM scores here later. 1 point for each good answer, or 1/2 point if you only got the bandname right.
Allright, now good luck and keep on thrashin'!
Well, I'm not going to try because I'd be hopeless, but I've listened to them nonetheless and it's cool to hear little snippets, kind of makes you listen more closely. There's some really great clips there, and I'd be interested to see a complete list of the right answers once done!

I particularly like the 14th clip, some great melody.
heh, ive done it, but im not going to submit results coz i only got 4.

there are 3 more that sound familiar to me, but i cant quite work them out.

i got 6, 13,14 and 16
unsure about 8.9. and 11.

the rest i have no idea, although a couple seem to be boderline thrash metal ...

*awaits answers*
I got 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 & 18 for sure, but they were easy. The funny thing is I own most of those albums and consider myself (usually) pretty good at these sorts of things. :erk: I'm gonna have to do some more serious listening to old school thrash to get my chops back up to par!

Cool thread! :cool:
Ok, here are the answers of the Thrash blind test!

1. Nasty Savage - Gladiator
2. Forbidden - Chalice Of Blood
3. Death Angel - Evil Priest
4. Overkill - Deny The Cross
5. Coroner - Masked Jackal
6. Metallica - Creeping Death
7. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
8. Nuclear Assault - Hang The Pope
9. Exodus - Fabulous Disaster
10. Destruction - Life Without Sense
11. Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place For Disgrace
12. Vio-Lence - Kill on Command
13. Slayer - Chemical Warfare
14. Testament - Over The Wall
15. Paradox - Heresy
16. Kreator - Coma Of Souls
17. Artillery - In The Trash
18. Megadeth - The Mechanix
19. Sodom - Agent Orange
20. Heathen - Heathen's Song

... and now the players / winners! ;)

1/ oldschooltr : 17 pts
2/ Populated by the Fathomless : 14 pts
3/ sava : 11,5 pts
4/ St. Vitus : 10,5 pts
5/ Wicked Child : 10 pts
6/ Erik : 7 pts
7/ JonnyD : 6,5 pts
7/ Nuclear Vampire : 6,5 pts
9/ Greeno : 3 pts
10/ Wyvern : 2,5 pts

Thanks for playing guys, and there's no shame in having a low score, it's only a game after all.

Damn, I easily could of gotten at least 12 of those I'm sure. Tried to download but said the zip was corrupted. Bah. :P
Erik said:
Heh, I didn't get that Death Angel despite owning the album... >_<

Anyhoo, any chance you could make the zip available again a little while? I removed the MP3's but now with the answers available I'd like to listen to them again... If possible.
Ok it's online again.