Ok, here are the answers of the Thrash blind test!
1. Nasty Savage - Gladiator
2. Forbidden - Chalice Of Blood
3. Death Angel - Evil Priest
4. Overkill - Deny The Cross
5. Coroner - Masked Jackal
6. Metallica - Creeping Death
7. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
8. Nuclear Assault - Hang The Pope
9. Exodus - Fabulous Disaster
10. Destruction - Life Without Sense
11. Flotsam & Jetsam - No Place For Disgrace
12. Vio-Lence - Kill on Command
13. Slayer - Chemical Warfare
14. Testament - Over The Wall
15. Paradox - Heresy
16. Kreator - Coma Of Souls
17. Artillery - In The Trash
18. Megadeth - The Mechanix
19. Sodom - Agent Orange
20. Heathen - Heathen's Song
... and now the players / winners!
1/ oldschooltr : 17 pts
2/ Populated by the Fathomless : 14 pts
3/ sava : 11,5 pts
4/ St. Vitus : 10,5 pts
5/ Wicked Child : 10 pts
6/ Erik : 7 pts
7/ JonnyD : 6,5 pts
7/ Nuclear Vampire : 6,5 pts
9/ Greeno : 3 pts
10/ Wyvern : 2,5 pts
Thanks for playing guys, and there's no shame in having a low score, it's only a game after all.