Old song, new mix - DEATHCORE

Sam Bottner

Jul 18, 2010
Been working on this a lot lately, redid guitars and bass, added all the reverse effects, mixed a ton. Tell me what you think.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7071005/You Are Nothing.mp3

Don't judge the vocals on whether the vocalist is good or not haha, he's not in the band anymore and we're trying out a new one tomorrow. I may have tracked poorly, but I'm trying to work with what I have.

Also, check out my band on facebook (sig) and like it if you're feeling ambitious. If anyone wants DI's, I'll make a new thread to try reamping this (for fun of course).

Way too much verb on the vocals, but probably just to cover up how bad they are :rofl:.

Sounds too much like The New Reign. A little thin, barely any bass, and that kick is just too recognizable, haha
Bass like low end or bass guitar? I think the bass guitar is pretty high in the mix so I'm guessing you mean overall low end. I love that kick though hahah. Might track vocals with the new guy tomorrow if it turns out he's better.