Old Woods photos


Rehab is for quitters.
Mar 10, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I came across these pictures this morning digging through the archives... the original Woods of Ypres lineup playing Montreal in 2003. Certainly not the greatest photos, but I thought you folks would still get a kick out of them. I remember this being an amazing performance... all songs from Against the Seasons, they absolutely smoked!! Robin Cross was an insane vocalist and a very cool dude, I hope he's doing well wherever he is. Anyway, enough chatter...








Good Stuff Wrathchild cheers. I didn't know there was another vocalist before Dave...
It's not my story to tell, really, but there was a different lineup when Dave started the band in Windsor. If you look closely, that's him banging on the drums... but seeing as it's not my place, I'll let Dave explain next time he logs on... :)

FUBAR said:
Good Stuff Wrathchild cheers. I didn't know there was another vocalist before Dave...
Wow those pics are going back! I caught that line up as well when they played Toronto for the first time.

Nice pictures dude! Your photography is outstanding.
It may not be my place, but I don't see why it's a problem to say that there have been at least 3 distinct lineups of the band.
It may not be my place, but I don't see why it's a problem to say that there have been at least 3 distinct lineups of the band.
It's not a problem. There has been at least 3....At least!!!

But the show must go on. :cool:

Thanks for the pics Wrathchild! Let me know if when you find those unreleased Northern Lights 2003 Festival pics!