Lord of Delusions
Who would you vote for in the following bizaro world catagories:
Band of the Year: Jethro Tull
Record of the Year: The guy who stacked 10 bowling balls on top of each
Biggest disappointment of 2003: Jerry Garcia is still dead
Favorite Vocalist: Jenna Jamison
Favorite Guitarist: Me
Favorite Bassist: Kip Winger
Favorite Drummer: Gonzo (from the muppets)
Favorite Keyboardist: whats his name from Spinal Tap
Best Solo 2003: Hans
Best song of 2003: theme to "Spongebob Squarepants"
Best of Compilation of 2003: I believe its called goulash
Boxset of 2003: None! cardboard furniture sucks!
Best DVD 2003: Rocky Mountain Motorworks catalog
Best Movie of 2003: the one where the guy does the thing and then the girl
has a fit, and the cops are like whoa and then the bad
guy does some stuff, and then the end sucks, cause, you
know what I mean..
Next big thing for 2004: New Years eve
Most anticipated release for 2004: my sperm
Favorite Magazine: M-16
Your comment on the state of Rock/Metal: I have never been there, though I
hear its kinda like Canada

Band of the Year: Jethro Tull
Record of the Year: The guy who stacked 10 bowling balls on top of each
Biggest disappointment of 2003: Jerry Garcia is still dead
Favorite Vocalist: Jenna Jamison
Favorite Guitarist: Me
Favorite Bassist: Kip Winger
Favorite Drummer: Gonzo (from the muppets)
Favorite Keyboardist: whats his name from Spinal Tap
Best Solo 2003: Hans
Best song of 2003: theme to "Spongebob Squarepants"
Best of Compilation of 2003: I believe its called goulash
Boxset of 2003: None! cardboard furniture sucks!
Best DVD 2003: Rocky Mountain Motorworks catalog
Best Movie of 2003: the one where the guy does the thing and then the girl
has a fit, and the cops are like whoa and then the bad
guy does some stuff, and then the end sucks, cause, you
know what I mean..
Next big thing for 2004: New Years eve
Most anticipated release for 2004: my sperm
Favorite Magazine: M-16
Your comment on the state of Rock/Metal: I have never been there, though I
hear its kinda like Canada